Baptism part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this ❤️

Shamalya- "okay makes sense, I noticed Meena left as well"

Meena- "I did, Leela was hungry, and I was hurting, and leaking, like Auntie, I didn't want anyone to see my dress was all wet"

Kamala- "everyone lunch is on the tables help your self, there is tuna salad, pasta salad, greek salad, there is coffee for who ever wants the K-cups are on the counter near the coffee maker, there is bottled water in the bucket with ice, diet coke, regular coke. There is iced tea in the pitcher on the table.

Amara- "macawoni an cheese"

Kamala- "yes Auntie made you some Macaroni and Cheese for lunch, Mommy is going to pick you up and put you in your highchair next to her"

Meena- "Amara, Mommy's going to pick you up and put you in your high chair so you can eat your lunch, Auntie made you Macaroni and cheese"

Meena picks Amara up and puts her in her high chair and buckles her in and puts on her bib, puts her high chair tray on and then puts the dish of macaroni and cheese on her tray along with her sippy cup of water

Doug- "Honey, would you like Tuna or Greek salad for lunch?"

Kamala- "Greek salad please with steamed pita"

Lexie and Bella start crying and looking at Maya and Jill

Maya- "Sis, I think Lexie wants you, I know what she's looking at"

Kamala- "let me have her, we are going to go in mine and Dougie's room so that they can have their lunch"

Jill- "Kamala, I think Bella wants you as well, she's looking at me like Lexie's looking at Maya"

Doug- "Jill, let me have Bella, and I will go with Kam in our room so that they can eat their lunch and then we will be back"

Jill gives Bella to Doug, and Maya gives Lexie to Kamala.

Kamala- "everyone we will be back, Lexie, Bella, I know your hungry, we are going to go in Mommy & Daddy's room so you can eat your lunch then Mommy and Daddy are going to eat their lunch"

~In Kamala and Doug's room~

Kamala- "I know I said you could get me out of my dress, but it's easier to feed the babies if I'm wearing my tank top, and I'm leaking"

Doug- "you're hot in that as well"

Kamala smirks

Kamala changed into her tank top and her pj shorts.

Kamala is sitting on the bed with her pillow, she unsnaps her tank top straps, let me have Lexie first, and get her latched on, Doug gives Kamala Lexie first and she gets her latched on, then he gives her Bella. "Much better, I was really full, and I was hurting"

Doug- "I think Lexie and Bella did really well in church, they were getting fussy when they had the holy water put on them, but other then that, they were really good"

Kamala- "yes, they were, I know we don't go that much, I knew after they got baptized that they wanted to eat, while I was holding Lexie, she was trying to nurse on my arm"

Doug- "I saw that, Bella was looking at you like Mommy, I want milk"

Kamala- "they both were, so that's why I asked the minister where we could go so I could feed them"

Doug- "it was good that we went into the nursery and you fed them"

Kamala- "yes, I was hurting, but I didn't want to say in front of everyone why we left, Mommy, Meena, and Maya knew and I whispered to the minister as to where we could go"

Doug- "I saw you go up to him and ask him something but I wasn't sure what it was until I saw you look at me and I knew what that look meant.

Kamala smirks

Kamala looks and she sees that Lexie has unlatched, "Lexie needs to be burped, she might not be done though, it's only been 10 minutes, and I'm still really full on the left side"

Kamala picks Lexie up, gives her to Doug. Doug puts the burp cloth on his shoulder, and gently rubs Lexie's back and she burps a few minutes later. "Lexie that was a good burp, I think your still hungry, your trying to nurse on Daddy's shoulder"

Kamala- "let me have her, I thought she wasn't done, she had to be burped then she's like I want more milk"

Doug- "you were right"

Kamala- "I was, I know my babies, I know that I'm still really full"

Kamala unsnaps her tank top and Lexie latches back on and starts nursing. "Bella's done, and I'm empty on the right side"

Kamala gives Bella to Doug, and he has the burp cloth on his shoulder and he gently rubs Bella's back, and she burps a few minutes later.

Doug- "that was a good burp Bella, I smell cupcakes, but I'm not sure if its you or your sister, so both of you are going to get changed, Babe, do you want me to put their dresses back on, after they get changed"

Kamala- "no, we are going to put their onesies with the little tutu my mommy got them these onesies and I want them to wear them, with their pink socks"

Doug changes Bella's diaper. "What is Bella going to wear, I know you can't get up at the moment, because Lexie's still nursing, but I will go and get it"

Kamala- "their outfits is on our dresser"

Doug- "okay, I will get Bella dressed"

Doug gets Bella dressed.

Kamala- "thanks, I'm going to change as well, as soon as Lexie's done, and she just unlatched, I will burp her and then change her"

Doug- "okay"

Kamala snaps her tank top, and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, and she puts Lexie on her shoulder and gently rubs her back and she burps a few minutes later. "That's a good burp Lexie, now we are going to change your diaper, and then get you dressed in the outfit grandma got you, then we will go back to everyone"

Kamala changes Lexie's diaper, and gets her dressed.

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