Dinner part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this.

Doug brings a tray and two dishes with spaghetti and garlic bread and he puts it on the coffee table and goes back to the kitchen, and gets 2 cups of diet coke and brings them over and he sits next to Kamala in his recliner and they have dinner.

Kamala- "tomorrow, we are babysitting while Meena, Maya, and Christina go out for lunch"

Doug- "okay, both Leela and Amara,"

Kamala- "yes, both of them, and hopefully everyone will take a nap during nap time"

Doug- "I hope so, if not we will do our best, I know Lexie and Bella will take their morning nap, if they won't, I will sit with Amara and read her a story, that usually makes her sleepy"

Kamala- "thanks"

Doug- "you're welcome, what time are we babysitting"

Kamala- "10:30, which is right before lunch for Amara and Leela, Lexie and Bella are not really on a schedule yet, I know they are hungry around every 2 and half - 3 hours"

Doug- "what are we making for lunch for Amara, Leela, I know Meena's starting solid foods with Leela"

Kamala- "she is, and Leela's going to have her bottle with Meena's milk, and then if she's still hungry she will have some banana's in the plastic tub, that I asked you to buy when you went grocery shopping"

Doug- "okay, this is what we get to look forward too with Lexie and Bella, there's 2 of us, and 2 of them, so we each feed one once they start on solid food"

Kamala- "it is, you are going to get to feed Leela her bananas if she wants them, and yes, that is the plan, I remember when Amara was just learning how to eat solid food, I wore most of it the 1st time I fed her bananas, Meena was pumping milk, and she asked me to feed Amara, so I put her in her high chair, and then I put my chair right next to her, and she took the spoon from me, and she was laughing after what she did"

Doug- "I remember that, we were going out for dinner, and you said you had to take a shower first because you had bananas and sweet potatoes everywhere, in your hair all over your shirt, you looked really hot with baby food all over you, some of them got in Amara though"

Kamala smirks  "you had fun getting the bananas out of my bra how she got them down there I have no idea"

Doug- "I did, and I know how they got there you gave Amara the spoon and she decided to feed you, she said "Auntie eat" and she went to give you the spoon and she dropped it on your shirt, you had on a v cut Giants tank"

Kamala giggles "oh yeah, I remember now"

Doug- "I'm going to feed Leela and hopefully she won't get any on me but if she does, she does, I don't mind when you get food on me though"

Kamala- "do you want to wear a bib, I learned after that, when you feed a baby who is learning how to feed themself's you wear a t-shirt that can get washed because when your feeding a baby it's really messy, I like when you get food on me, but that's different, we are doing for a different reason"

Doug- "no I don't want to wear a bib"
Kamala- "okay, thank you for making dinner, I love you" she gives Doug a kiss.

Doug- "you're welcome, and I love you too, he gives Kamala a kiss. "Are you done, I won't start the dishwasher now, but I will put our dishes in there, I will start it after we put the babies to bed, in our room"

Kamala- "yes I'm done, let me put the left overs away then I will load the dishwasher, Lexie and Bella are sound asleep"

Doug- "ok"

Kamala gets up from the couch, and she goes into the kitchen and she puts the left over spaghetti in a container and she puts it in the fridge, and then she puts the pot in the dish washer, "Dougie, can you watch Lexie and Bella, I wanna take my bubble bath, before they get up and want their dinner"

Doug- "of course"

Kamala- "thanks, I will be back soon Love you" she gives Doug a kiss

Doug- "love you too" he gives Kamala a kiss.

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