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I want to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this

Doug- "what would you like for a carry out"

Kamala- "I'm not sure yet"

15 minutes later...

Kamala looks and she sees Lexie has unlatched, "Lexie, you have to get burped"

Doug- "Honey, let me have her, I will burp her and change her, then put her in her bassinet for her nap"

Kamala yawns "thanks Dougie, here's Lexie"

Doug takes the burp cloth, and he puts it on his shoulder, and a few minutes later Lexie burps. "That was a good burp Lexie"

Kamala- "burp cloth please Dougie, Bella's done, with her dinner"

Doug gives Kamala the burp cloth and she puts it on her shoulder and a few minutes later Bella burps. "That's a good burp Bella"

Doug changes Lexie's diaper and he puts her in her bassinet for her nap, Kamala changes Bella's diaper and then she gives her to Doug so he can put her with Lexie in her bassinet for her nap.

Kamala- "nap time for us"

Doug- "yes, it is"

Doug gets into bed, and Kamala cuddles up next to him and with in a few minutes they are both sound asleep.

2.5 hours later...

Kamala wakes up "Dougie, I'm hungry"

Doug- "what would my adorable wife like to for dinner"

Kamala- "Greek Salad, with chicken, and steamed pita"

Doug- "okay, do you want me to make it for you or get it from he deli"

Kamala- "you can make it"

Doug- "okay, let's get up, I will take the baby monitor with us"

Kamala- "thanks" she gives Doug a kiss

Kamala and Doug get up and he takes the baby monitor with him.

Kamala- "Dougie, I did have fun today babysitting, this is what we get to look forward too"

Doug- "It is, how about after dinner, I will make you a bubble bath and you can relax in the tub"

Kamala- "thanks, only if you come with me"

Doug- "of course"

15 minutes later...

Kamala and Doug are done with dinner, and are cleaning up the kitchen, "Honey I will be right back, I see Lexie's up"

Kamala- "okay"

Doug comes back into the family room carrying Lexie, and she smiles when she sees Kamala sitting on the couch. "I think Lexie wants you, I see what she's looking at"

Kamala giggles "I know what she wants when you went to get her, I felt my milk come down so I knew she was hungry, what was Bella doing when you went in our room"

Doug- "she wasn't up yet, "she is now, I hear her, Bella, Daddy's coming"

Kamala- "let me have Lexie, first, I'm hurting, and I'm really full"

Doug gives Lexie to Kamala

Kamala- "Lexie, I know what you want"

Kamala sits down in her recliner, and she unsnaps her tank top and Lexie latches the left side on and starts nursing.

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now