Surprise Birthday Party / Welcome Home Party part 1

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~12:30 pm~

Maya comes into the family room

Maya- "Kamala? What's going on?, why are there birthday balloons up"

Kamala- "your birthday party...I know it's late but on your actual birthday I was in labor You knew I didn't forget my sister's birthday"

Maya- "but mine was 2 weeks ago, I got the best present ever... my nieces being born and sharing my birthday with me"

Kamala- "Yes but that isn't enough for an amazing sister like you"

Maya - aww thanks, I see Mike is holding Lexie, where is Bella"?

Kamala- "napping in her bassinet"

Maya- "ok, I see Lexie's wearing one of the outfits I got her"

Kamala- "yes she is, we all love coffee, so of course Bella and Lexie have to clothes that say we love coffee, they have been drinking coffee since before they were born, once I was able to drink it while I was pregnant and even now they get it from my milk"

Maya- "aww well I hope its decaf they are drinking now."

Kamala- "they get 1 cup of regular and then the rest of the day its decaf"

Doug- "Honey, I see your done with your spaghetti and garlic bread and it's nap time you're falling asleep on my shoulder which I don't mind but I think our bed is more comfortable"

Kamala- "Dougie, I know our bed is more comfortable, but I want to stay here, Bella's going to want to eat soon, I'm hurting, I will go in our room when Bella wants to eat then I will take a nap"

Kamala gets up from the table to go and check on Bella, and she sees she's up and she picks Bella up from her bassinet, "Hi Princess, I know what your looking at, we are going to go in Mommy & Daddy's room so you can have your lunch, then it's nap time for Mommy, Daddy, and Bella"

Doug- "I will be right there honey, I'm going to get me some more spaghetti and garlic bread, would you like more spaghetti and garlic bread, or anything to eat while Bella's having her lunch"

Kamala- "yes please, can you get me a plate of pasta salad please and a bottle of sparkling water, and put it in my Giants' water bottle please"

Doug- "of course"

Kamala- "Bella, I know what you want, I'm going to go and feed you then it's nap time"

Maya- "ok, I'm going to have some lunch"

Kamala and Bella go into her and Doug's room and sit on the bed, as soon as they go in their room. 

Doug brings back a tray with the other half of his sandwich, and a plate of pasta salad for Kamala, along with her Giants' water bottle. "Here Honey, here's your pasta salad and your water bottle" Doug closes the door to his and Kamala's room after he goes in there. 

Kamala- "thanks honey"

Kamala sits on her and Doug's bed and puts her pillow on her tummy, and unsnaps her tank top strap and Bella latches on and starts nursing. 

Doug- "you're welcome, I checked on Lexie when I was in the kitchen to get more spaghetti and garlic bread and your pasta salad, My Dad's holding her and she's sound asleep with her thumb in her mouth, do you want to try and give them a pacifier when they are fussy or not yet"

Kamala- "yes, we can give them one, when they are fussy, but I don't want them to sleep with them all night. I know Dr. Robbins said it was okay to give them one because they are doing really well with nursing"

Kamala and Doug's big surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now