Safe With Me

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Continuation of all tied up

Shikamarus pov

I arrived at my house with neji in my arms. He was silent throughout the whole trip. I was a little worried about him.

"we're here" I said softly to the boy. He nodded as I placed him on his feet. He was a little shaky but was able to walk just fine.

I watched him quietly explore the house. His inspected every inch of the furniture curiously. I wonder if he's ever been in someone else's house before. I watched him with a small smile on my face. He's surprisingly adorable.

He made his way towards my dad's office "stop" I yelled causing the boy to jump.

He curled up into a ball, placed his hands over his ears and muttered "I'm sorry" over and over again.

I immediately ran to his side, making him panic more "I'm sorry I yelled at you darling. It's just that's my dad's office. There's alot of valuable stuff in there so you can't go in there"

"I'm s-sorry" he whimpered "p-please don't be angry!"

"I'm not angry sweetheart" I slowly pulled him into a hug "neji it's not going to be like what it was like in the hyuga clan. Things are better here. I promise your safe with me"

He clung to me as painful sobs escaped him. I held him close as I gently kissed his forehead.

"I promise neji your safe with me. Those basturds will never touch you again"

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