A Friend In The Seventh Ward

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Nejis pov

I backed into a corner nervously. The nurses are coming my way. I need somewhere to hide!

I ran down the hallway to the nearest ward. Ward seven. I burst through the door hoping that it would be empty. Unfortunately there was a patient in the ward.

He was a pale looking boy with a spiky ponytail. He looked pretty sick. I wonder what's wrong with him.

"what are you doing in my room kid?" he asked.

"hiding" I shrugged as I took a seat opposite him.

He studied me "so what's wrong with you?"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as he said those words. I hated being asked that. I don't want there to be anything wrong with me. I don't want to shame my clan.

I just want to dissappear..

"how do you know there's something wrong with me?" I glared at him.

"come on kid I can tell your a patient. Your wearing a hospital gown" he pointed out.

"good point" I muttered.

"why are you hiding from the people that can help you?" he asked.

"I don't want help!" I yelled angrily "why doesn't anyone understand that? I just want to be left alone!"

I expected him to look at me with pity or worry like everyone else does but instead he smiled at me.

"don't you think being left alone would be pretty lonely?"

I was a little taken aback by that. It's been a long time since anyone said something that made sense to me.

"I don't want to be alone" I muttered softly "but I also don't want to be treated like something pityful"

"I getcha. Adults can be troublesome sometimes" he muttered "how about you just hang out with me and I'll treat you like a normal person"

Normal. I like that.

"my name is neji hyuga" I held my hand out "what's your name?"

"shikamaru nara" he shook my hand "looks like we're going to be stuck together for a while"

I smiled to myself. Looks like I made a friend.

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