Nejis Missing!

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Shikamarus pov

Five years later

It's been five years since I let him down and five years since I last saw him. I wonder how he's been doing. Has he found someone new? Probably. With his looks he'd have no problem finding someone else.

Me? Well I've just been wasting away, unable to move on from the past.

My friends have been worried about me. Ino and choji dragged me out of my house for a nice little picnic. It was enjoyable. That is until they brought up neji.

"shikamaru you have to let go of neji" ino said firmly.

"it been five years shikamaru. You have to move on" choji pleaded with me.

I felt angry. I've been mourning neji for years now and they just want me to act like it never happened!

"how can you ask me that!" I stood up angrily "I can't just forget him. I'm the reason he's gone in the first place!" I ran off into the forest. Ino and choji called after me but I ignored them.

I keep running until I could no longer move my legs. I fell to my knees and burst into tears. I cried out all my regret and loneliness. I cried until everything went dark...

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