I Killed My Sensai

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Tw: attempted suicide

Shikamarus pov

I looked down at the lake that would soon be my grave.

I never thought I'd be in this situation. I thought I'd grow up, get married and have a son and daughter but this guilt is too much to handle.

My stupid plan is what got my sensai killed. Its all my fault.

I closed my eyes and leaned forward. I could feel the water rushing into my lungs. My chest was burning but in a good way. Like all this guilt and pain will be over soo-

My thoughts were cut off when I was dragged out of the lake. I coughed and spluttered. Tch what a pain. I can't even kill myself in peace.

"shikamaru" I was pulled into a hug. I recognised that voice as neji "thank goodness your ok. Hey hey its ok you know. You don't have to take things into your own hands

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