Wanted For Attempted Murder!

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Shikamarus pov

It was the next day. We were eating breakfast and decussing what to do about the kid we found in our barn last night.

"he won't speak of any family. Perhaps he's an orphan" mom muttered softly.

"those eyes tell me that he's from the hyuga clan. Heh no wonder he doesn't want to go back" dad chuckled to himself.

"is the hyuga clan really that bad?" I asked.

"their a bunch of basturds who treat their lower class family members like slaves" dad growled.

"I'll take that as a yes then" I sighed.

"so what do we do then? We can't just throw the child back out there when there's people looking for him!"

We sat in silence until..

*knock knock*

"goodness who could be be at the door around this time?" mom muttered to herself as she headed to the door. I followed her out of curiosity.

Standing at the door was a man with dark eyes and a scrowl. He must be fun to have at parties!

"can I help you?" mom asked politely.

"have you seen this boy?" he held up a poster. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest.

It was the kid from last night!

"he killed our bosses son so me and the boys are out on the hunt for him"

I was shocked but quickly managed to regain my composer "sorry haven't seen him" I shrugged "out of curiosity though what do you plan to do with the kid once you catch him"

"isn't it obvious? We're going to execute that punk!" he growled as he marched off.

We turned to each other nervously. Looks like we need to have a word with our new house guest!

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