Chapter 1

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      It was a rather chilly night when you met him. Well, it was chilly for you, considering you were embarrassingly underdressed for an October evening. This was the first indication that you most likely did not simply doze off waiting for the bus.

      It was mere coincidence that Arthur happened upon you in the first place. He had, for once, decided to indulge his insomnia, and allowed himself a venture into his living room to enjoy some particularly boring reading in a vain attempt to trick his mind. His wandering eyes caught you curled up in the covered bus stop bench beneath his window. Considering his proximity to downtown, a drunk pedestrian or two dreaming at the bus stop was not an unusual occurrence. This knowledge almost took his eyes back to his book, however your aforementioned light dress and young appearance gave the indication that, even if you were intoxicated, it was something to be a bit worried about. He looked at his watch. 1:52 a.m. After a moment of remembrance for his own college drinking days, and the few mornings he awoke lost and cold, he snapped the book shut decidedly and went to retrieve his coat. At the very least, you might appreciate some tea or an Uber, he reasoned.

      This plan was quite quickly abandoned once he was standing in front of you. You couldn't have been more than 16, at the very oldest. He shifted his weight uncertainly. Surely there was somebody looking for you, right? Arthur contemplated his options. Leaving you in the cold wasn't the proper thing to do, however, the undeniable fact that he was an adult man remains. One currently staring at a young girl while she sleeps, no less. The implications of bothering you weren't exactly socially favorable. But, he concluded, it was far worse to let you succumb to the cold than have neighbors be suspicious of his motives.

      "Ma'am? Oh, erm, miss?"

      It was glaringly obvious Arthur had no experience with children. Nevertheless, once you failed to stir, he tried again, taking a step forward and clearing his throat.

      "Uh, excuse me, are you alright?" He said, raising his voice slightly. This roused you, and with a sigh you opened a glassy, unfocused eye. Arthur was standing a few feet away, toying with the sleeve of his coat nervously. Once your current situation made its way to the front of your mind, you sat up with a start. "Uhm, I noticed you're a bit underdressed," Arthur began, while you found your bearings, "And I was wondering if you'd like to come in for some tea, or perhaps I could call you an Uber, or, uhm..."

      You eyed him warily as he trailed off nervously. "I just, uhm...Where are your parents? You can use my mobile, if you need to call them." He patted his coat until he found his phone in one of the pockets. Finally, you spoke.

      "I'm fine, thank you." You muttered, sitting up straight in an attempt to look convincing.

     "Are you sure? It's not really safe this time of night." Arthur said, "I don't believe the next bus comes for another four hours, at least."

     You couldn't exactly admit to him that you weren't waiting for the bus while simultaneously deflecting further questions. As if on cue, your stomach also found it appropriate to voice a hearty growl. You averted his gaze.

     "I have plenty to eat, miss," Arthur smiled knowingly, "You could at least come have a bite while you wait for the bus. It's no trouble."

     A bite sounded nice, given your options. And you were cold. The man standing a healthy distance away didn't seem very villainous, you thought to yourself. With a sigh, you resigned yourself to be either pleasantly surprised, or murdered. "Alright then. If it really is no trouble. I wouldn't want to put you out..."

     "Not at all, miss. I'm this way." He fumbled around for his keys and began to walk back toward the apartments behind the bus stop. You trailed behind, pulling your cardigan tighter around you.

This chapter has been fixed! Don't worry, all the old chapters are archived in Google docs, under my writer email. If you have any inquiries, I'm reachable at thistlesoap @ and I'd love to hear from you!

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