Chapter 67

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  You stumbled down the stairs sleepily, one of your socks on inside out and your eyes half closed. The gash on your face had healed to a large scab, no longer needing bandages but not very pleasing to look at."Good morning." Arthur said as you put on your shoes and snatched your backpack from it's place by the door. "M'n'n." You muttered. "I made you a lunch." Arthur continued cheerily, walking from the kitchen to the front door where you stood. "Oh. Thanks" You said with a small smile before closing the door behind you.

  "Hey." Emil said tiredly as you trotted down the apartment stairs to him. "You ready?" You asked, taking his hand in your own. The male nodded and swung your hands as you walked together. It didn't take the two of you long to get to the school, but when you did you wished you had stayed home. Everyone, like yourself and the male beside you, was in black out of respect. Many students stood where their cliques usually stood in the courtyard, all the groups at least a little smaller. You squeezed Emil's hand before letting go and hurrying to your first class silently.

  There was an unfamiliar face at the teacher's desk, and you took your seat as you stared.  You looked around as the bell rang to find about half of your class in attendance. Erika's seat beside you was empty. "Hello, everyone." The lady said, standing up and causing her blonde curls to bounce with her movement, "Because of... Recent events, I am your new science teacher. I hope we can pick up where we left off before you took a break."

  A girl beside you, a brunette you rarely talked to, burst into tears. The class stared at her with pitiful eyes. Without thinking, you wrapped an arm around her and looked the teacher in the eye as you led her out the back door. Once outside you closed the door before sitting beside her in the grass and hugging her. "I'm-I'm sorry..." She sniffed. You said nothing, but began to braid her hair as she cried.


   Arthur sighed to himself as he began the stack of paperwork. He had been at work for an hour before he was able to start it as everyone continued to approach him about how you were doing.  Just as he had finished a few sheets, his phone buzzed in your pocket. The Brit's eyes widened when he saw it was your school calling. "H-Hello?" He stammered nervously. "Hello, is this Mr. Kirkland?" A female voice asked. "Yes." He replied. "I, uh, am calling about your daughter (y/n), sir." The lady continued. "Is there a problem? Is she okay?" Arthur asked anxiously.

  "I don't know what you did when raising her, sir, but you did something right. I'm, uh, a new teacher here, and from the first minute of class she was comforting a classmate who began crying. The teachers in the teacher's lounge that have her say she's been spending most of her time today comforting students." The lady explained. Arthur covered his mouth to hide his smile. "Oh, really?" He said quietly. "Yes, sir. She didn't say much but I can already tell she's a remarkable young lady." 

  Arthur talked with your new teacher for a few more minutes before her prep hour ended and she had to return to work. He smiled to himself as he started his paperwork with new motivation.


  You sighed contently as you walked home beside Emil. It had been a long day, and you were eager to get home and take a nap. Or two. As you rounded the corner away from your school, Emil suddenly leaned over and whispered in your ear. "Don't look now," He said quietly, "But I think that guys following us. He was standing around outside of school until we left."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora