Chapter 72

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    Catherine ripped Emil off the ground while Ralph held you back. You struggled under his grip as she yanked the younger male's hair. "No!" You screamed as Ralph looked at you apologetically. Emil whimpered when the brunette suddenly pushed him to the ground, kicking him in the stomach. "Catherine, he didn't do it!" You exclaimed, "It was- It was me! I ate the food..."

She turned around and glared at you. "I knew you'd fess up." Catherine smirked, abandoning Emil on the floor and stalking over to you. Her nails raked across your face and left fresh cuts. Emil scrambled to his feet and staggered over to you. "Stop!" He yelled, grabbing Catherine's shoulder and yanking her back. She kicked Emil's shins and threw him back down. You elbowed Ralph in the stomach, making him release you and double over in pain. Before he could recover you punched Catherine in the throat, making her collapse to the floor gasping. You kicked her stomach while Emil lay near her. 

  "Stop!" Catherine gasped as you continued to kick her. "You fucking-" You screamed, but you were cut off by a burning sensation that ran down your left arm. A scream escaped your lips as you threw yourself to the floor and rolled. Ralph was standing above you with an steaming pot. "I'll have to restart the spaghetti Cat. This was the only way I could think to stop her." He panted as you shrieked. Catherine staggered to her feet and glared. "Thank you, honey." She said as she kicked you in the face. You watched from the floor as she silently left the room, Ralph closing the door.


  Arthur stared at the ceiling of his bedroom. He was three hours late for work, but who cares? There was no point in getting up. Not when his house was silent without you. The Brit was just about to doze off again when his phone rang loudly on his nightstand. "What?" He said irritably into the device. "Arthur? I saw the news..." Francis said sadly. "Oh." Arthur stated. "So, uh... Are you doing okay?" The Frenchman asked. "No." Arthur replied irritably. "Arthur, they're going to find her." Francis said gently, "You can't just lay around and waste away."

  "I'm never going to see her again." Arthur said bitterly, "She said it herself when she called me. She said she had a weapon to her head, Francis. They'll find a body at best."

  "Don't say that. They're going to find her." Francis said angrily.


  You had lost all sense of time. How many days had passed you did not know. Any food Ralph snuck you went straight to Emil, but regardless you were both thinning considerably. You woke up from a short nap to find Ralph in the doorway holding a piece of chicken. "She's very angry today, I'd be careful." He whispered, handing you the meat. You nodded and reached over to shake Emil awake. His breathing was labored as he lay sprawled on the floor. "Em, wake up." You said gently. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at you tiredly. His cheek bones stuck out sharply at this point, and you sighed sadly as you handed him the chicken.

  Just as he finished eating, you both could hear the front door to the house slam open. "Ralph!" Catherine yelled. "C-Coming." Ralph stammered, giving both of you a pitied look as he closed the door. "What the hell have you been doing all day?" Catherine spat from the hallway. "Nothing."

  "What does that mean? Did you not take care of them like I asked you to!?" She exclaimed. "Cat, you need to calm down." Ralph said gently. There was a slapping sound as Catherine screamed, "Don't tell me to calm down, asshat!

  She burst into the room with Ralph close behind, an enraged look consuming her face. "I told you to get rid of them!" the brunette hissed. "I didn't know what you mean, Cat." Ralph said nervously, "I'm not going to kill two kids, if that's what you meant."

 Catherine grabbed the front of your shirt and jerked you to a standing position. "Get it." She spat to Ralph, who looked about to break down. He nodded and left the room. "I'm done with you being my little problem." She hissed to you as Ralph returned. He held a gun in his hands. At the sight of this Emil's tired eyes widened and he hoisted himself up. "N-No..." He sputtered weakly. Catherine took the pistol from Ralph's shaking hands as you struggled in her grip. 

  As she lifted it to your head, Emil rammed into her side headfirst. She dropped you and screamed as the gun clattered to the floor. The male had her pinned and began punching her face with all of what was left of his strength. "NO!" He screamed, yanking her head up by her hair and smacking it back onto the floor. You recovered from the fall and saw Catherine's hands reach to the male's throat. He gagged as her fingers closed around, cutting off his air as he continued to throw wild punches. Without thinking, you reached for the abandoned gun on the floor. It was cocked and ready to fire.

    Catherine threw a gasping Emil off of her and scrambled to regain her grip on his throat. Emil screamed as she raked her nails across his face with one hand and pressed his throat to the floor with the other. "(y-y/n)..." He sputtered before going limp. Catherine released him and turned to face you, her eyes wide when she saw you holding the gun in steady hands, the barrel aimed at her head. "You..." You whispered.

You pulled the trigger.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя