Chapter 90

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holy shit 90 chapters when the fuck did this happen

also watch this video please i'm laughing very hard

but have headphones if you are around the elderly or the severely young

  "uh, (y/n)..." Alfred said, turning his head to glance back at you as you approached the apartment. "Hm?" You hummed, standing on your toes to look past him as you held Emil's hand. Richard was sitting halfway up the stairs leading to your door. To your surprise and horror a guitar was in his lap. "(y/n)!" He grinned, seeing your head as you peeked past the 3 men in front of you, "I knocked on your door and nobody answered. Where have you been?"

  You said nothing, but pushed ahead of Alfred and with Emil in tow. "Don't ignore me." Richard stated, his cheery disposition turning sour as you approached him and looked past him to the top of the stairs with a blank expression. Emil mimicked you.. "H-Hey!" The brunette holding a guitar stuttered, scrambling to his feet as Alfred, Gilbert and Francis approached. "Dude, back off." Alfred said irritably as Richard attempted to follow you. "You again? Who the fuck are you, anyway?" Richard spat as he followed you up the stairs. "The fuck you think you're doing?" Alfred said as Gilbert and Francis caught up and glared from behind it. "This is getting old." Francis sighed.

  "(y/n), get the fuck back here!" Richard said as he reached the top of the stairs. Alfred inhaled angrily and marched up the stairs with the other two males behind. You calmly unlocked the door as Emil stared Richard in the eye. The brunette glared at the silver haired males bored expression. "Hey, kid-" Alfred started angrily, but was cut off by you turning to Richard suddenly.

"Richard, would you like to come in for breakfast?" You asked sweetly, faking a smile. "What the shit-" Gilbert exclaimed as Alfred snorted and narrowed his eyes. "(y/n)..." Francis sighed. Emil looked to you in alarm. "I'm making hash browns." You  continued as you opened the door and wandered in. Richard looked to the three adults smugly before following you in, Emil looking ready to combust as he stalked behind Richard into the apartment. "The fuck is she doing?" Alfred muttered as he slowly approached the door. "Who knows?" Gilbert and Francis replied.

  Richard was seated across from Emil at the table when the adults made their way inside, the brunettes guitar laying on the couch. The latter of the two males was glaring at the brunette with the fury of a thousand suns. Richard only smirked back as Alfred sat down beside him and Francis beside Emil. Gilbert sat between them and looked between the two boys with slight fear. You leaned on the counter and pulled out your phone. Alfred, Gilbert, Francis, and Emil's phones buzzed in their pockets and they looked at the devices with interest.

You: Whatever Richie Rich says/does, please do not react.

Alfred: Why?

Emil: But I desire to punch him

Gilbert: K

Francis: Why though?

You: He will pay for his sins in due time

Emil: Does that mean I get to punch him

Gilbert: Same at what whoever this is ^^^ said

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ