Chapter 125

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  You were pulled from sleep by the feeling of someone gently messing with your hair. "Good morning." Arthur said softly when you opened an eye, "How are you feeling?"

  "Mmneh." You muttered, reaching over to the nightstand to grab your phone. Damn, you slept basically all day. "Are you hungry? I can go get you something..." Arthur asked, still brushing your tangled hair away from your face. "I ate earlier." You sighed, closing your eyes and letting your head rest on the pillow once again. "You did?" He questioned, clearly not believing you. "Yeah. When Em was here. Mashed potatoes." You stated sleepily. Arthur sighed and put his hand on your shoulder. "I think you should eat some more. That's only one thing." He said firmly. "I'm not hungry." You said just as firm, rolling onto your side so your back was facing him. 

  He raised his eyebrows at your behavior, but before he could react his phone buzzed.

Alfred: Me and Matt are on our way

Arthur: She's in a terrible mood.

Alfred: Not for long lmao


   "Guess who's here!" Matthew said cheerily as him and Alfred pushed open the door to your room. You looked at them in mild interest and yawned. "How's the ray of sunshine?" Alfred said sarcastically, plopping down beside you on the hospital bed. Before you could open your mouth he reached over and poked at the now faint bruises dotting your face. "These look better. Shit, sorry." He muttered as you winced. Matthew sat himself beside Arthur and pulled out his phone.

Matthew: Why is she moody lmao

Arthur: I don't know. I haven't been here all day, but even yesterday when I came after work she was like this too

Matthew: She's probably mad she can't do shit lmao

Arthur: What

Matthew: She has a broken leg and ribs and fucked up hands. She's probably mad she needs help doing basic tasks bc she's very "I can do it myself" Even when she's not unable to move

Arthur: Good point... Maybe that's why she's refusing to eat. She claimed she ate when Emil was here.

Matthew: If you don't believe her ask Emil but tbh she's never lied to you before

Arthur: Yeah...


Arthur: Can you ask Emil if (y/n) ate anything today?

Lukas: Sure lmao

Lukas: He says yes and that she ate a huge ass thing of mashed potatoes

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