Chapter 60

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  Relief flooded Arthur and Emil's faces, and they both sighed as you looked between them nervously. "I'm sorry..." You muttered as you lowered your arms and looked to the floor. "You think I'd break up with you for being ace?" Emil said. "What does ace mean?" Arthur asked, "I don't understand."

  "Uh..." You began. "It's hard to explain." Emil cut in, turning to Arthur. The Brit narrowed his eyes at the younger male. "There's uh, lots of websites and stuff, sir." Emil continued nervously. Your dad nodded and turned to you. Fear was plain on your face as your eyes watered slightly. "I'm sorry." You repeated, "I was, uh, gonna wait to tell you..."

  "How long?" Arthur asked. "... Until I had left home so it didn't matter if I was kicked out again..." You mumbled. "Is that why your mother threw you out?" He said gently, and you nodded. "It's part of why Catherine doesn't like me either. You'll understand why if you look it up or something..." You explained. Arthur nodded. "You two wanna go back upstairs? I'm going to find out more about this..." He said. You and Emil nodded and the latter quickly took your hand and nearly dragged you back to your room. (I know what you're thinking Charlotte you filthy minded lettuce-face)

  "You think I'd dump you over something like that?" He asked with disappointment as you and him walked through the doorway. You said nothing, but avoided his gaze as you sat on the bed. "Well I'm not gonna." He muttered, walking over to sit beside you. You two sat in silence for a few minutes until you sniffled. "I just... I don't want him to hate me." You said, looking into your lap. Emil scooted next to you and hugged you to him. "I'll fight him." He stated, flopping back onto the bed with you in his arms. "He's gonna hate me." You mumbled, tears welling up in your eyes. "He won't. Only losers hate people." Emil replied. The male put his chin on your head as you fought back the tears. "Seriously, if he gets upset with you in any way i'll fight him and i'll win." He muttered.


  Arthur sat on the couch, his laptop balanced on his lap as he typed in "Ace" into Google. Only results for a hardware store came up. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Uh, sir?" Emil asked from a few feet away. The Brit jumped slightly and looked behind him at the male. "Oh, you scared me. Yes?" He asked. "Uh, I just wanted to tell you about this site where you, uh, can find out more about (y/n)'s thing..." Emil said. "Oh, okay. Here." Arthur smiled, handing him the laptop. The teen typed in the URL and handed it back to the Brit before vanishing up the stairs. 

  "Thanks." Arthur called as he left.


Arthur: You thought i'd be upset with you over this?

He sent a picture of his laptop screen, which was open to the site Emil had shown him.

You: tbh yeah. See why Catherine said what she said?

Arthur: Shame on Catherine for calling you broken. Did your mother try to tell you that as well?

You: "Girls are supposed to make grandchildren" Was her favorite line.

Arthur: If I wanted grandchildren I would have made my own kids. You don't have to do anything. We can talk about the trauma part later, okay?

You: Very later.


  "...Anyway, thanks for keepin' an eye on this punk." Mathias grinned, ruffling Emil's hair. "Oh, it was no trouble. Have a good day." Arthur smiled as he closed the door. He turned around to fine you had disappeared up the stairs, closing your door quietly. The sound of your ukulele could be heard as the Brit went and retrieved his phone from the couch.

Arthur: You can come visit if you want. (y/n) is practicing her ukulele and if you hurry you might hear her sing something.

Alfred: On my waY


  You smiled to yourself as you strummed Sebastian. The sounds of random chords were always relaxing. You couldn't stop thinking of Emil. The way he kissed your nose. The way he hugged you when you got anxious. God, you were such trash. You grinned and held back a giggle before beginning to play the cheesiest song you knew. It reminded you of Emil in the dorkiest way.

"I've been waiting my whole life

For a-someone like you

To go and pick me up and take away my blues

Its been one hell of a year

In my own shoes

But I've got some questions for you..."


  Arthur opened the door slowly as to not make it squeak. "Come in quietly," He whispered to his brother, "If she hears you she'll stop playing."

  Alfred nodded and tip toed in silently, going over to the bottom of the stairs and taking a seat. Arthur beamed as he sat down beside him. "She's been playing for a bit, so the song is almost over." He explained quietly. Your voice could be heard even through the closed door, and the two strained to listen. 

"I've been waiting my whole life

For a someone like you

To go and steal my heart

Just the way you do

Its been one hell of a year

Here a-waitin on you

So I've got some questions for you..."

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Did it hurt just to know I was right here waitin'..."

  Alfred covered his mouth at the chorus and held back a gasp. He turned to Arthur with a goofy grin, which Arthur returned with a small smile. You strummed the final chords and the house went silent. "That was so freakin' adorable." Alfred whispered. "We should wait a few minutes before you go up there in case she plays some more." Arthur whispered back. The American nodded with a smile and looked toward your door enthusiastically.

Hey guys! writer's block is v v rude, so this is all I could crank out. Sorry! In case you wondered, the song our dear reader is singing is "did it hurt" by nevershoutnever. My ukulele class is learning it and it's super cute man. Look it up. I'm short on ideas for what should happen next, so if you have any please tell me! You know i love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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