Chapter 47

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Arthur unlocked the front door and walked in quietly. The house was quiet, which was unusual since you were supposed to be home. "(y/n)?" He asked as he wandered up the stairs. "Up here, Dad." Your voice came from your room. Your Dad peeked in the doorway to find you sitting on your bed on your laptop. "Tell me about school." He grinned as he walked over and sat on your bed in front of you. "It was really crowded and everyone was too happy." You said with a smirk. Arthur chuckled, "I saw your picture. Did you stick with Emil the whole time?"

 "Yeah. I met him on the way to school and we walked together. He lives a couple blocks away so we walked home too." You said. "Did you make any new friends?" Arthur smiled. "Yeah." You smiled back. He beamed as he exclaimed, "Tell me about them!"

  "Me and Emil were eating lunch by ourselves and I started playing the Steven Universe theme song on Sebastian and these three kids ran up and started singing it with me so now we're friends." You explained. "Makes sense. What are their names?" The Brit asked. "Raivis, Erika, and Erland." You replied. "Nice. Did you get your schedule?" He questioned. You pulled out a slip of paper from your backpack and handed it to him. "I have art and science with all my friends, and math and history and language arts with Emil only." You explained as he examined the piece of paper. "You're in all these advanced classes?" Your Dad exclaimed. You beamed proudly. "Yeah. I'm on honor roll or something." 

  "That's great!" He said excitedly, ruffling your hair. You continued to beam as he stood up and approached the doorway. "I have some work to catch up on, and then I'll make dinner. Okay?" He asked. You nodded and he left the room silently.


Erika: Is this the right number?

Erland: This is Erland

Raivis: (y/n)?

You: Hey guys. I added you all to a group chat (it's (y/n))

Emil: Hello this is Emil

Erika: Erika

Raivis: Oh, hi

Erika: One sec i'm adding all of you to my contacts

Emil: Same

You: So do you guys wanna hang out at lunch again tomorrow

Erland: yeah man

Erika: Yes

Raivis: Yeah

Emil: We need a squad name

Emil: I vote meme team

Erland: I second that vote

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now