Chapter 79

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      "Hi." Arthur said cheerily as he wandered in the room and took off his coat. "Hi." You replied quietly. The Brit's head snapped to attention and he gazed at you in shock. "You... You can talk again?" He said excitedly. Your eyes widened as you realized what had just occurred and you grinned at him in surprise. "I guess I can." You said quietly. "Oh, this is great!" Arthur exclaimed, striding over to hug you tightly. "reFRAIN" You said, fear replacing all happiness in your voice as you struggled to escape his arms. "Oh no, i'm sorry." He said anxiously, releasing you at once, "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." You replied quietly, rubbing your bandaged arm. "Oh, did I hurt your arm?" Arthur asked sadly. "I'm fine." You said quickly as you released your arm at once. "I'm going to get you something to eat." You dad said, making his way to the door.

"Dad, i'm fin-"

"Hush." He said gently as he closed the door behind him.


Emil sighed as he stared at the ceiling of his hospital room. "You look bored." Lukas stated as he looked at his phone. "Yeah." The younger said, taking out his own phone and holding it above his head. "You should go to the rec room thing." His brother stated, looking at him with interest, "There's a piano."

"So?" Emil asked as his phone fell onto his face with a smack. "You've laid in bed for four days. Go stretch your legs." Lukas commanded. "Where even is it?" Emil sighed irritably, swinging his legs around to the side of the bed. "Down the hall to the right." The elder stated. Emil nodded and put his phone in his sweatpants pocket before wandering out the door cautiously. The hallway was large and empty in the light, making the male anxious. He quickly scurried to where Lukas had said the rec room was. His brother was right. There was a piano in the back of the large room, which was filled with blocks and other children's toys. The walls depicted a sunny field where cartoon animals were frozen in play with unnatural smiles. 

  He sighed as he picked his way around the toys and made his way to the piano. The male sat himself down and pressed a few keys gently.


Arthur hummed to himself as he ambled down the hall. He was very happy that you felt comfortable enough to talk again. The Brit jammed his hands in his pockets as he thought about what he should get you to eat. His thoughts, however, were interrupted by the sound of a piano around the corner. His eyes widened in curiosity as he picked up his pace to reach the source of the noise. Arthur peaked around the corner to the recreation room and grinned.

  Emil had his back to the Brit and was pressing some keys gently. His hair was messy and tangled as he slouched in front of the piano. To Arthur's surprise, after a few moments of absentmindedly pressing keys the younger male straightened his back and took a breath.

"Oh, Miss Believer, my pretty sleeper.

Your twisted mind is like snow on the road..."

  Arthur gasped slightly, unaware that Emil could sing. And not only could Emil sing, he could sing amazingly. 

"Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder

Inside your head than the winter of dead

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now