Chapter 101

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  You stumbled down the stairs to the apartment tiredly, your backpack slung loosely over one shoulder. Emil wasn't waiting for you at the bottom like he usually was. As if on cue, your phone buzzed in your pocket.

Emil: I'm fugking si ck with tge flU

You: Gdi Em now I gotta survive on my own

You: I'll get the assignments we do today for you k

Em: thank


You: Is it cool if I stop by Em's after school? He's sick and I gotta bring him the homework

Dad: Sure. Be safe

You: Thank. I will


You sighed as you stared blankly ahead at the substitute at the front of the sex ed classroom, who was rambling on about the video you were about to watch. "After we finish the video, i'm going to pass out this worksheet you need to complete by next week. I haven't actually seen this video, but the notes your teacher left me say you guys are required to see it and that you know what it's about." She explained. You sighed as you closed your eyes and put your chin on your hand while the substitute turned off the lights and the projector lit up with the video. Over halfway through the video, which was about the development of a fetus, a few horrified gasps from the kids around you made you open an eye with mild interest. Once your vision focused, the other eye snapped open and you gazed at the screen with a horrified expression, unable to look away.

It was over as quick as it had begun. "Well, they didn't tell me that the video you were watching was about that. The sub muttered as she flicked on the light and passed out the papers silently. "Can I get an extra one? My friend is sick today." You asked as she walked by you. "Of course. Your friend chose a good day to be sick." The lady said, giving you a sympathetic look. You nodded and stuffed the extra paper in your binder before the bell rang and you walked to homeroom.


Arthur's phone buzzed on his desk as he worked intently, making him jump slightly and snatch it up before the noise caught the attention of his boss. "Hello?" He said quickly as he raced into the break room. "I'm calling from (full school name). This is Mr. Kirkland, correct?" a bored female voice said.


Dad: How on earth are you in detention for "inappropriate displays on school property" ??

You: It's a long story, but I was not involved in the events whatsoever I swear

Dad: So why are you in trouble then?

You: I was in the room the event happened in minding my own business.

Dad: Event??

You: K so the teacher was dragging this dumb af kid to the office because he was doing something stupid as usual and so homeroom was without adult supervision

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