Chapter 110

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wow this is getting #edgy

   You squinted at the note while Arthur sighed deeply. "Who are Helen and Maurine?" He muttered. You didn't reply, but continued to reread the note. "She's... Sorry?" You whispered. "That's what it says. The guys down at the prison say she talked about you a lot." The officer said gently. You looked up with an angry and confused look and asked, "Really?"

  "Yeah. Legally I can't tell you what she said, but it was good things." She said. You looked down to inspect the note again. "Is this legally binding? The house is actually hers?" Arthur asked suddenly, taking his chin off your shoulder. "We're still working out things, since this isn't an official will, but I suppose it is yours, miss." The officer smiled sadly. 

Tell (y/n) i'm sorry.

  "(y/n)?" Arthur asked quietly. Your hands had begun to shake again as the plastic bag crinkled in your grip. "That's it, then? She's sorry?" You muttered, squinting to keep the tears welling up from spilling. Arthur opened his mouth to say something, but before he could you thrust the note back to the officer, who's eyes widened at your sudden outburst, and without taking your eyes off the ground you muttered, "I'm ready to leave if you are, Dad."

   "O-Okay." Arthur said, also taken aback. "Thank you." You said, taking your eyes off the ground for a moment to gaze at the officer. "It's the least we could do." She said as Arthur led you by the arm out the door of the evidence room, muttering a thank you to the receptionist as he ushered you out the door and towards the car. You sniffed and rubbed your eyes once you were safely in the passenger seat of the small car, and Arthur quickly raced around to the driver's side and climbed in. The male hugged you to him as you fought the strong urge to cry. "Hey, hey..." He cooed, "It's okay. I'm here."

   Your Dad rubbed your back soothingly as he pressed your head to his shoulder. You tried to move away, but he only hugged you tighter to him and sighed. "You know what?" He muttered sweetly, "How about when we're home I see about Emil coming over? You'd like to see him, huh?"

  You shook your head and freed yourself from his grip, rubbing at your eyes while you gazed out the window. "Alright." Arthur said in a tone that implied he didn't believe you as he started the car. 


  Arthur opened the door and smiled at Emil, who still looked nervous despite having been over numerous times. "She's asleep now, but I doubt she'll be in a great mood when she's awake. I couldn't get her to talk about it..." The Brit explained as he stood aside and the teen wandered in. "Don't worry, sir." Emil said with a small smile, holding up the small backpack he carried in his arms, "I got it."

  "Alright, then." Arthur said as Emil wandered to the stairs, "I'll be down here."

  Emil peaked into your room and sighed sadly. You were under a heap of blankets, tear stains on your face. Slowly, he crept across the room and lowered himself onto his knees in front of your face with his bag abandoned by the doorway. Even while sleeping, you had a look of sadness plastered on your face, your lips slightly pouted and your eyes shut tightly as if still fighting back tears. Emil looked to the doorway, and, after confirming nobody was watching from the hallway, slowly pressed his lips to yours.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now