Chapter 126

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The day I don't mention Hamilton in a live stream consider me dead

Arthur: I think i've found the cure to her shitty mood

Alfred: Oooh what is it

Matthew: ^^^^^^

Arthur: She doesn't have her headphones with her, and if she doesn't have them for extended amounts of time she gets really agitated and it's been 3 days

Matthew: Holy shit you're right

Alfred: Also everybody only visits for an hour or two and she's probably lonely 

Matthew: True tho one of us should stay overnight one of these days

Matthew: They give you a cot to sleep on

Arthur: She can be left alone with her music for days, honestly. I'll bring them after work and I can guarantee by tomorrow she'll be better

Arthur: I was planning on that tonight, since I don't have to work until the afternoon tomorrow.


   "Guess who's here!" Matthew said excitedly, throwing open the door and striding in. "Hey there." You said semi-sarcastically, sitting up slowly and blinking tiredly at him. "Did I wake you up?" He asked, growing quiet, and you nodded. "Sorry." He said, and you shook your head. "Nah, it's cool." You yawned. "Let's watch TV!" The Canadian continued, grabbing the remote of the table as you scooted over on the bed. "National Treasure is on, haven't seen that in a while." He muttered, as he sat on the bed, "Wanna watch that?"

  "What's that?" You asked, leaning your head on his shoulder. "You mean you haven't seen National Treasure?" He asked. "No." You muttered. "It's about Nicholas Cage stealing the Declaration of Independence." Matthew explained, making you giggle. "I love it already. Where's dad?"

  "He forgot about a meeting he had. He'll be here soon." Matthew smiled, ruffling your hair affectionately. At that moment Alfed burst in the door, panting heavily. "(y/n)!" He said cheerily, sitting on the opposite side of the bed as Matthew, "I only have a few minutes before I gotta go back."

  You looked at him curiously and said nothing. "Hug time!" He said suddenly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and flopping backwards on the bed, taking you with him. "We're watching National Treasure." Matthew said seriously, prying your from the American's grip and gently pulling you up so you were sitting upright beside him. "It's still hug time." Alfred replied as he heaved into a sitting position as well and wrapped his arms around you once again. With a smile, you leaned toward him and sighed contently.


Matthew: Someone's in a good mood today

He sent a photo he snuck of you leaning into Alfred's cuddle, both of you staring at the TV intently.

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