Chapter 11

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The next couple days went by in a blur. Because of the doctor's orders, you slept a lot, waking up only to eat and take medicine. But each time you woke up, at any hour, Arthur was always there to ask how you were feeling and insisting that you eat. It felt nice to be cared about, for a change.

Finally, on Thursday (or so Arthur said it was), The doctor called Arthur out to discuss some things. You sighed, slightly irritated that the doctors and nurses never spoke directly to you. They probably thought you were "Too young" to understand, or something. Your face had cleared up significantly, and only a small scar from the frying pan remained. A few minutes later, Arthur returned with a big smile on his face. "Guess what?" He asked, sitting by your feet on the bed.

"What?" you said quietly. Arthur was usually pretty mellow, but right now he was really exited. "They said you can go home today!" Your smile quickly matched his. By now you were pretty sick of the plain white room, bland food, and endless boredom. "How soon?" You asked. "As soon as they bring a wheelchair. They wheel all their patients to their cars, for some reason. Anyway, I'm going to check you out of this room while you change. Your clothes are right there." He said, pointing to a chair as he stood up. "See you in a few," He smiled as he left. You quickly got changed and sat on the bed, waiting for him to come back. Out in the hall, you suddenly heard a familiar voice, among other unfamiliar ones.

"Vhere is zhe room!? Zhey said it vhas the 4th floor!"

"Is this one it?"

"You zaid Arthur was here, right?"

"Yes, him and (y/n) are here. Aha! Zhis is Zhe one!"

Suddenly the door opened, and a familiar albino burst in, followed by two men you had never seen before. "(y/n)! Vhat zhe hell happened to jou!?" Gilbert exclaimed.

The two strangers walked past him onto either side of you, looking at you with interest. One of them had long, blonde hair, and was staring at you with such an intensity that it terrified you. You leaned away from him, only to realize that the other one was standing on the other side. The other one had lightly tanned skin, and slightly curly brown hair. He smiled, ruffling your hair as he said, "Don't frighten her, Francis. We haven't even introduced ourselves yet." The brunette pointed to himself. "I'm Antonio, and that's Francis. Gil told us a lot about you!" You were still greatly confused. How did they even get into here without being caught?

Without any warning, Francis put his hand under your chin, turning your head so you were looking at him. "Such beautiful (e/c) eyes..." He said, seeming to stare into your very soul. This made you very uncomfortable. You slowly put your hand on his arm, pushing it away as you scooted an inch or two away. He smirked. "Playing hard to get, I see?"

You narrowed your eyes, looking at Gilbert while trying to telepathically ask him what this guy thought he was doing. When he didn't do anything, you scooted farther away, bumping into the green eyed man behind you.

"The chica's a shy one, isn't she?" He smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder. You tensed, not liking this at all. Francis wouldn't back down, and walked over to where you sat, sitting next to you and putting a hand on your cheek. "Shy is okay." He smirked. "Why so tense, (y/n)?"

You thankfully didn't have to answer, as Arthur returned right at that moment. "Hey (y/n), I'm ba-" He stopped mid sentence, staring wide-eyed at the scene. You screamed at him with your eyes, silently begging him to get you as far away from these people as possible. His eyes filled with rage as he looked at the blonde Frenchman in front of you.

"FRANCIS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" He screamed, launching himself at Francis. He punched him square in the face, sending the long haired man toward the floor. Francis rolled onto his back, blood seeping out of his nose as he smirked. "Oh, just having some fun. (y/n) here didn't seem to mind."The blonde winked at you. At this you stood up, towering over the French man, who still layed on the floor. "Yes, I did mind," You said quietly. Your eyes narrowed, and without any warning you kicked him sharply in the side. "Please leave me alone."

Francis groaned, clutching his side. You turned to Arthur, smiling at him. "Can we leave now?" Arthur laughed, staring at the man on the floor. "Yeah. They aren't even supposed to be here, so we can let someone find them." He extended a hand toward you, helping you step over Francis and leading you to the wheelchair. You turned back for a moment, looking at Antonio, who was still smiling. "Bye, guys." You said quietly as you left. Behind you, you heard Gilbert say, "See, Toni? (y/n) ist pretty cool!"

Arthur pushed you down the long hallway with ease. "(y/n), I would normally tell you to avoid Francis at all costs, but you seem like you could take him," He laughed. You smiled to yourself. Arthur's friends were interesting.

Woah, a whole chapter!! it's like a gift from the heavens themself! Sorry for villianizing our dear France, but if all goes to plan his character should make a good comeback. don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la pasta~ 

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