Chapter 48

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  Arthur sipped his regular Friday coffee as he worked contently. "Iggs!" Alfred screamed behind him, making the Brit jump and nearly spill the beverage. "What?" He said irritably as he spun his chair to face his brother. "Oh, sorry I scared you. How's (y/n)? Is she liking school?" Alfred asked excitedly. Arthur's expression lightened considerably at the mention of you. "Yeah." He smiled, "She says she has a squad now."

  The American gasped. "She has a squad? How did that happen?" He questioned with a grin. "She said she was playing the Steven Universe theme song on her ukulele and some kids started singing it with her so apparently that makes them best friends." Arthur smirked. "That's pretty awesome. Does this squad have a name?" His brother replied. "I don't know. Oh, her and Emil are still not dating, because I know you were going to ask." The Brit stated as he picked up his phone. Alfred pouted and returned to his work.


Arthur: Alfred wants to know if your squad has a name.

You: We are known as the Meme Team

Arthur: I'm not even going to ask at this point...


  You sat in history next to Emil, the last period of the day. Your teacher was rambling about the intro to the American Revolution when you felt something bump your arm. Emil had passed a note, and you picked it up and read it under the table.

Wanna hang out at the park after school?

  You wrote a small, "I'll ask my dad" and passed it back when the teacher turned around. Emil nodded and continued paying attention to the lesson.

  Once school was out, you took out your phone and opened the conversation with Arthur.

 You: Is it okay if I hang out at the park with Emil?

Arthur: Sure. I was going to stay late today anyway. Be safe

  Emil wandered up to your locker as you grabbed your backpack and threw your things into it. "My dad said yes." You said as you shut the locker. Emil beamed excitedly. "Nice. Let's go." He said, beginning to weave through the crowded hallway with you behind him.

 You walked side by side to the park near both your houses and took the empty set of swings. "So, how are your brothers?" You asked as you began to kick off the ground. "They still wont shut up about how we should date. Even Peter is asking now." He pouted. You giggled and looked up at the sky as you rose higher. "My Dad keeps saying you should come over for dinner. Apparently my uncle Alfred is asking about wedding plans still." You grinned at the clouds. Emil blushed and quickly looked away from you. "Nice." He tried to say casually. "Maybe you could come over for dinner tomorrow or something." You said, "I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind. He's nice once he knows you."

  "I'd invite you to dinner with my brothers, but they're insane." Emil laughed, "They'd probably organize a wedding on the spot."

  "They sound great!" You smiled as your (h/l) (h/c) hair flapped in the wind.


  Berwald held Peter's hand as they walked down the empty sidewalk. "Thank you for taking me to the park." The young boy grinned as he skipped beside his brother. "No problem." Berwald said with a faint smile. 

  Once they reached the park, Peter eagerly ran to the playground while the Swede looked for a bench to sit in. He had just found a shady spot to keep an eye on his brother when Peter's small voice yelled from across the park. "Ber!" the youngest of the two exclaimed, "Emil's here!"

  Berwald walked over to where Peter was to find Emil swinging on the swings beside an unfamiliar girl. "Em! Em!" Peter yelled from across the playground. The teen dug his heels into the ground to stop himself and widened his eyes. The girl next to him glanced at Emil and did the same. "Peter!" Emil grinned, jogging over to the small boy. Peter hugged his brother's torso. "Who's that?" He asked, pointing at you. You had wandered up behind Emil with your hands awkwardly in your pockets. "I'm (y/n)" you smiled, "You must be Peter."

  Peter let go of Emil and ran up to you, surprising you with a hug as well. "(y/n)? You're the girl who's going to marry Em, right?" He grinned excitedly. You laughed as he released you from the hug, a small blush dusting your cheeks. "I don't know about that." You smiled. "This is Berwald." Peter continued, "He's our brother!"

  You looked over to find a very tall man wearing glasses next to Emil. "Nice to meet you." You said, extending a hand to the blonde man. He took it silently and shook it gently. "Can you really play the ukulele?" Peter asked, tugging your sweater sleeve. "Why yes I can," You smiled, "Wanna hear a song?

  "Emil says you can play the Steven Universe song!" the young boy said as you took out Sebastian and sat on the grass. "Yep. Here it goes." You smiled as you strummed the intro chords. Peter eagerly joined in as Emil and, surprisingly, Berwald, took a seat near you in the grass.

"If you're evil and you're on the rise..."


  "We're home!" Peter said as he skipped into the front hall with Berwald and Emil behind him. "Oh, hey." Mathias said from the couch, "Didja have fun?"

  "We met (y/n)! She played songs on her ukulele and let me sing along!" The youngest brother said happily. "Oh, did you now?" Tino asked as he came in from the kitchen and ruffled Peter's hair. "Yeah! She's really nice!" He replied. "She seems nice." Berwald said as he took off his coat. "Are  Emil and her dating yet?" Lukas asked, poking his head in from the kitchen. "Oh my god, not this again." Emil sighed as he put a hand on his face. "Oh, welcome back." The Norwegian said, waving an oven-mitted hand at his brother. "Why won't you just ask?" Mathias grinned, "I'm sure she'd say yes!"

  "Because, I..." Emil stammered, "I can't just ask. It doesn't work like that." 

"Does that imply you would like to ask her out?" Lukas asked. 

"...Maybe. Stop talking about this."

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!  looky what i just did there at the end! *sniffs* i'm so proud. Just you wait dear readers, I have a lot in store! You know I love you guys, and Don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin