Chapter 98

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This is the ring Emil bought is this not the cutest thing

he is so good and pure

    You breathed in the fresh morning air as you wandered down the sidewalk, ukulele case in hand. Alfred had left after he finished his breakfast,  promising to come back and visit later that day so you wouldn't get lonely. You smiled to yourself when you saw that the tree you normally sat under was empty. After opening your ukulele case, you sat cross-legged at the base of the trunk and gently strummed some chords to warm up. The park had more people than usual, with the good weather bringing lots of parents and their kids to the playground near where you sat. You strategically left your ukulele case open in case any of them came near you to listen.

"Give me more loving than I've ever had

Make it all better when I'm feeling sad

Tell me I'm special even when I know I'm not

Make it feel good when it hurts so bad

Barely get mad

I'm so glad I found you

I love being around you..."

   A couple of faces looked to you as you continued to sing.

"It's as easy as 1, 2, 1 2 3 4

There's only one way,

two say,

those three words

four you...

I love you!"

   Eventually a few people wandered over to stand near you as you sang. You smiled politely, and a woman took a step near you and threw a dollar into your case. You nodded to her and continued to smile and sing at the small crowd.


Arthur: How was she when you were over there, anyway?

Alfred: She took what I think is too many iron supplements but she seemed okay

Arthur: Did she say what she was doing today?

Alfred: She said something about maybe going to the park. I was about to head over there with a movie anyway, I thought she might get lonely.

Arthur: Thanks, i'm sure she'll be glad you're hanging out with her.


Arthur: What are you up to today?

You: I'm at the park

Arthur: In another tree?

You: Nah, but I'm playing Sebastian and getting tips lmao

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora