Chapter 99

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  "(y/n), are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?" Alfred asked, moving your head from side to side to examine it. "No, i'm fine." You said, pushing away his hand. "Who made you cry!? Was it Emil? Do I need to punch Emil?" Alfred asked angrily. "No. It's not him." You said, "It's okay."

    "No it's not!" Alfred exclaimed suddenly, making you wince. "Shit, shit, i'm sorry." He said, "But you don't have to pretend everything's okay. Let yourself be sad."

  "It's fine, really. My aunt just harassed me at the park, i'm fine." You sighed. The American narrowed his eyes. "What did she say to you?" He asked. "Nothing of importance." You sniffled, picking up the TV remote and turning it on.


Alfred: She said her aunt was harassing her at the park.

Arthur: GoddammiT

Alfred: She's not crying anymore though, which is good. It was making me sad too.

Arthur: What did her aunt say?

Alfred: "Nothing of importance"


Dad: Alfred texted me, are you okay???

You: Lmao yeah

Dad: What does that mean

You: Lmao 

Dad: What did your aunt say to you?

You: Lmao the usual shit suburban white moms say

Dad: I don't understand

You: Her name is literally Helen need I say more

Dad: Yes, actually, you need say more.

You: She talked shit about you and gave the traditional "abandoning your family in time of need" bull lecture

You: Normally I don't give two shits but she was being an asshole to my cousin

Arthur: How?

You: He's deaf and it's polite to translate what you're saying so he can understand but she just straight up ignored him then dragged him away by his arm 

You: He had come over to "listen" to me play Sebastian via balloon

Arthur: I'm sorry this happened.

You: Don't be lmao. Once she yells at you then she leaves you alone so unless my favorite cousin tries to approach me at any point in time for the rest of our natural lives i'm good

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now