Chapter 50

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  "He said yes??" Tino exclaimed once his brother walked through the door. "Yeah." Emil replied with one of his rare grins. Mathias ran into the room once he heard only to slip and fall on his face. "Wooo!" He said, his voice muffled from laying on the floor. "How are you going to ask?" Lukas asked as he wandered into the room and stepped over the fallen Dane. Emil shrugged.


"Hey, Alfred. You're going to love this." Arthur grinned as he wandered up to his brother. Alfred was sitting in his cubicle, seemingly focused but looked up in glee when Arthur approached. "What?" He asked. "So Emil invited (y/n) to the park on Saturday," Arthur began, but was cut off by Alfred gasping loudly. "Really!? Like a date?" The American asked excitedly. "Just wait." The Brit stated, "So she left to go meet him there, and a few minutes later someone knocked on the door. I went to see who it was and Emil was standing there wearing a tie, which is weird. So I answered the door and told him (y/n) had already left and he got all nervous and was like,"Uh, Uh, sir, i wanted to ask you something."" Arthur said in his best teenaged boy voice. Alfred was on the edge of his seat. "So what happened??" The American said eagerly. 

"Well, it turns out he wanted my permission to date (y/n)." Arthur grinned. Alfred threw his hands in the air and spun around in his office chair. "finALLY." He exclaimed, "When is the wedding?"

  "I don't know yet. He said he didn't know when he'd ask (y/n) because he wanted to make sure I was okay with it." Arthur explained. Alfred stopped spinning abruptly to face his brother. "What'd you say?" He asked seriously. "Well, obviously I said yes. You should have seen his face." The Brit smirked.


  You and your friends were eating lunch under a tree in the school courtyard, talking among yourselves happily. Emil was in a surprisingly good mood and was laughing along with you at Erland's failed attempts at parkour. After the male fell on his face for the thousandth time, Erika suddenly turned to the group with a grin. "You guys excited for homecoming?" She asked. "Yeah. It should be fun. I like formal dances." You said cheerily, and Raivis nodded. "Any of you have hot dates?" Erika said with an eyebrow wiggle. Emil, Raivis, and Erland turned bright red as you and Erika laughed. "Nah," You said, "I haven't been asked."

  "Same." The three males said. "You guys gonna ask any cute girls?" You teased. Emil looked away and shrugged. "Maybe." Raivis laughed. "I dunno." Erland replied. "If I don't get asked i'll probably just marathon something on Netflix." Erika smiled. "Same." You sighed as you took a bite of your lunch. Arthur made sandwiches wrong, but you didn't have the heart to tell him. He kept packing you lunches and you began to suspect it was to ensure you were eating. In your opinion, he worried too much.

    "You excited for block?" Emil asked jokingly, "I hear we get to take notes out of the textbook today."

  "Oh, great." You smiled. "Yeah, man. It's gonna be so fun." Emil said with fake enthusiasm as he pumped a fist in the air. "It's not that bad," Raivis said, "I have morning block and it's actually pretty interesting stuff."

  "Oh, do you wanna be a historian or something?" Erika asked curiously. "Yeah..." Raivis smiled. "I want to be a designer." Erika grinned. "I wanna go to space!" Erland exclaimed excitedly. "I dunno what I want to do." Emil said as he laid back on the grass and looked at the sky. "I want to work for NASA," You said quietly, "Like as an engineer or something. Or maybe Google."

  "I thought you said you wanted to be a (profession you wanted to do when you were like 5)?" Emil asked, turning away from the sky to look at you. "Eh. I tell people that because I don't want to be bugged about it." You said, "Like I can guarantee i'd get some remark about girl power or something stupid. Or how lofty of a goal that is."

  "Good point," Erika said. Emil just shrugged and resumed looking at the sky. "Oh crap, class starts in like five minutes." Erland said as he looked at his phone. You jumped up and grabbed the remains of your lunch. "Gotta Zayn then." You said, "coming Emil?"

  "Yeah," He muttered, sitting up. "Have fun in band, Erland. Have fun in whatever you guys have next, Erika and Raivis." You smiled as you threw your trash in the bin and ran with Emil to your class across campus.


  "How was school?" Arthur asked as he took off his coat. "Good." You said, walking into the front hall holding a spatula, "Your gourmet dinner is almost ready."

  "Oh, Mac-n-Cheese night already?" He grinned. "Yes." You laughed as you returned to the kitchen. Your dad hung up his coat and took off his shoes as you dished up the macaroni. "It's ready." You stated when he wandered into the kitchen. The Brit sat down at the table and smirked as you set down the bowls and sat down across from him. "Wow, you really went all out." He joked as he took a bite. "Only the best." You retorted.

  "So, tell me more about school." Arthur said. "Nothing really interesting happened. The science teacher explained what happens when you split an atom but that was but that was about it." You said. "Oh, you like science?" He smiled. "Yeah." You said quietly, "Science is cool."

  "Noted. How are your friends?" Your dad continued. "They're fine." You said. Once you both had finished, you cleared the table and walked upstairs. "Wanna watch a movie?" Arthur asked when you were halfway up the stairs. "I promised i'd Skype Erika to help her with her homework..." You said. "Oh, okay. No problem." Arthur smiled as you ran up the stairs and into your room.

  You turned on your laptop and logged into Skype. Erika was online, and you quickly video called her before she could log off. "Hey." She yawned once she answered. Erika was sitting at the desk in her room in her pajamas. "Hey. You wanted homework help?" You asked. "Yeah, but first there is a more pressing matter." She said with a grin. "What?" You asked.

  "Did you see how Emil was looking at you today??" She said excitedly. "No... Wait, what?" You said with narrowed eyes. "His face was like a tomato, (y/n)! Especially after you asked if he was gonna ask a cute girl to homecoming!" Erika exclaimed. You swore she had stars in her eyes. 


Hey guys! I had no school today so I spent all day working on this! Liechtenstein is supreme Readmil shipper :3 anywho, you know I love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~ 

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang