Chapter 85

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  Alfred: So this scrub named Richard stopped by

Arthur: Dear god, what did (y/n) do about it?

Alfred: She grabbed him by the shirt collar and used very colorful vocabulary to tell him she is going to forcefully remove his kidneys

Arthur: Jesus Christ. What did he do?

Alfred: He told her she shouldn't eat pancakes because they were too fattening

Alfred: Oh also he talked shit about Emil because Richard thinks he's better for (y/n)

Arthur: Now I want his kidneys

Alfred: She called Emil to warn him that Richard might get more aggressive now and now Emil is eating breakfast with us

Arthur: Who else is there?

Alfred: Gil, Toni, Francis, and Matt

Arthur: You brought everyone??

Alfred: Emil ran over in slippers and pajamas when (y/n) offered to make him breakfast it was adorable

Arthur: You be nice to Emil...

Alfred: Why are you so chill about this, anyway? One would think you'd flip at your daughter having a /boy/ over.

Arthur: I'm not really concerned.

Alfred: Why though

Arthur: I'll let (y/n) tell you if she wants. It's not really my place.

Alfred: What the heck is that supposed to mean

Arthur: If you want to know why I am not concerned about her and Emil, you can ask her yourself. I'll let her decide weather or not she wants you to know.


  "(y/n), c'mere." Alfred said as he put his empty plate in the sink. The others, including Emil, looked to him in confusion as they continued to eat at normal paces. "Hm?" You said curiously when your uncle walked past you and up the stairs. "C'mere." He repeated seriously once he was at the top. With a slightly nervous glance to the table, you left your half empty plate at the counter and approached the stairs. Alfred was sitting cross legged on the floor of your room, a confused look on his face. "Yes?" You asked quietly, leaning in the open doorway. "Siddown." He said, patting the floor in front of him. With a cautious look, you sat down several feet away. 

  "Don't look so scared." The American laughed, making you look even more scared. "Dude, chill. I just wanna ask you something." He said. You narrowed your eyes but said nothing. "Okay, so I was talking to Arthur, and I was just joking with him because he didn't care that Emil was over even though he's a boyyyyyy~" Alfred began. You gave him an unamused look as he continued, "And then he was all like 'i'm not concerned' and started acting all weird.

  "So I was all like 'what? why?' and he was like 'ask (y/n)'. So tell meeeee." Alfred finished, resting his elbows on his knees and putting his hands under his chin. "Tell you what?" You asked. "Tell me why Iggs doesn't care that you have your boyfriend over without him here." He pouted. Your eyes widened in slight alarm. Oh fuck. You had no idea how Alfred would take this. Should you be serious? Should you pretend like it's nothing and be casual? Fuckfuckfuckfuc-

  "You alive?" He asked, scooting forward waving a hand in front of your face. You blinked and smiled to hide your terror. "Oh, it's because i-i'm ace..." You laughed nervously, scrambling to your feet, "will that be all?"

  Alfred's eyes widened as you backed away to the door. "I don't really care who knows, honestly. Just don't bug me about it." You sighed, regaining your composure. "oh." Alfred replied in a whisper. "i'm just... gonna..." You muttered, turning around and bouncing back down the stairs. "Yo." You smiled, returning to your food. "You alright?" Emil asked. "Yeah, man." You replied casually as you gave him an intense look in the eye. Alfred appeared a moment later and sat down silently. "So what are you gonna do today, Em?" You continued, trying to break the silence. "I dunno. Everyone at my house has work or daycare or whatever, so i'll probably just lay on the floor." He replied. "That was my plan too!" You laughed. 

   "Why would you lay on the floor?" Gilbert, Toni, and Francis asked. "Yeah, what is it with laying on the floor?" Matthew questioned. "Floors don't judge you. Floors understand. Also carpet is really comfy, man." You replied. "The floor is my friend." Emil added. Francis just shook his head and continued eating, but Gilbert and Toni continued to look confused. "I need to try this." The German said suddenly, standing up and putting his empty plate in the sink. Toni followed as he raced into the carpeted living room with you and Emil close behind. "Okay." Gilbert sighed, sitting on the floor before laying all the way back. "Holy shit." He said, "This is actually comfy."

"What? No." Toni said, laying down next to him, "Oh my gOD"

  "The floor is my religion." You smirked. "I have converted. The floor is my lord and savior." Gilbert laughed, scrambling to his feet with Toni, who smiled and said "Ditto."

  "I'm gonna take off. Thanks for breakfast, (y/n)." Francis said with a smile, making his way to the door. "Bye." You smiled as Matthew and Alfred wandered into the living room as well. "I should be going, too." Matt said, reaching out and giving you a hug. Alarm consumed your face for a second before you gently leaned into the hug, making him smile. "Bye!" The Canadian said cheerily as he followed Francis out the door. 

  Within the next couple minutes Toni and Gilbert bid goodbye and left as well, the latter thanking you for introducing him to the magic of floors. Alfred lingered a little longer by the door where you stood, giving you a slightly sad look. "I'll be back tomorrow for more breakfast." He smiled, pulling you into one of his trademark bear hugs. "Bye." You said quietly, waving to him as he jogged down the stairs away from the apartment. Once he was gone, you closed the door and leaned against it with a sigh. "That was too many people." You smirked to Emil, who was standing in the hallway awkwardly. 

  "Yeah. Do you want me to go, or...?" He asked, leaning against the wall. "You can stay however long you want, man. Wanna watch TV?" You smiled.

This was all I could crank out guys, sorry. The anxiety is being really rude to me so yeah. Comment and vote kids. Asta la Pasta~

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