Chapter 56

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  Arthur put his chin on his hand. Yao rambled on at the front of the room, not realizing nobody cared what he was talking about. The Brit would normally pass Alfred notes during meetings, but the American and Matthew were out of town on business so he was doomed to suffer through this meeting alone. As Yao pulled up yet another powerpoint presentation about God knows what, Arthur's phone buzzed in his pocket. Arthur fished it out and answered it. His face grew pale and his eyes wide as Yao glared at him with folded arms. "What now?" The Chinese man spat. Arthur said nothing, but stood up abruptly and ran out of the room clutching his phone. "Anyone gonna go after him?" Yao asked with a hint of concern on his irritated face.

  "I'm gonna see what's up." Francis said, standing up and jogging out of the meeting room. The Frenchman saw Arthur aggressively pushing the elevator button and when he ran up Arthur was breathing hard. "Arthur? What happened?" Francis asked, putting a hand on the Brit's shoulder. Arthur whipped around to face him. The shorter blonde's face was pure white and his arm shook as it swatted his hand away. "I have to go." Arthur said, stepping into the elevator and mashing the buttons. Francis got in with him. "Tell me what's wrong, please." He said, "I want to help."

   Arthur sniffled as he stared at his locked phone. "T-The high school called m-me." He said. Francis put a hand on his shoulder and drew circles with his thumb soothingly. "Did (y/n) get hurt?" He asked gently. "I-I-I don't know..." Arthur said in a shaky voice, "The lady calling me j-just said that a-an intruder came to the school with a gun. They're still making the casualty list."

  Francis gasped. "O-Oh my god..." The Frenchman said quietly. "I have to find (y/n)." Arthur said quietly as he ran out the front door of the office. Francis stayed behind, going back up to the elevator to the meeting room.

  "Well?" Yao asked when Francis came in silently and took his seat. "There was a shooting at his daughter's school." The Frenchman stated quietly, "He doesn't know if she's alive."

  Gilbert and Antonio gasped, the latter putting a hand over his mouth. "Oh god..." Gilbert said, while Yao frowned. "He has a kid?" He asked. "Ja, i've met her." Ludwig said quietly. The room was silent for a few minutes until Yao sighed. "I'm sorry," He said, "But we have to finish this meeting."

  The others nodded solemnly.


  Emil finally dared to crawl out from the cupboard he hid in when he heard the principle give the all clear over the intercom. All words left him as he picked himself up from the ground and looked up at the scene before him. Blood splattered the floor, speckling the drums and brass instruments along the wall. The room was deserted aside from three forms slumped against the wall. Cautiously, the teen took a step toward them. His knees gave out when he saw Raivis's blood stained shirt, Erland slumped next to him on top of another classmate Emil knew. His eyes watered as he made himself turn his back to his closest friends and leave the room silently.


   The tires squealed on Arthur's car as he sped down the street at almost double the speed limit. He nearly crashed into an ambulance when he braked in the middle of the parking lot and threw himself out of the car, not bothering to close the door before he ran into the school courtyard.

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