Chapter 27

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  You turned around and walked back into the living room. The place was a mess. Alfred wasn't really one for any sort of cleaning, so food wrappers, shirts, socks, and many other assorted objects were scattered all around the house. You sighed. "Well." You said as you began to pick up the living room. It's not like you had anything else to do.

    After all the trash was gone, you grabbed a laundry basket and set to work picking up all the clothes. Seriously, did he strip for people in his spare time? Why were there so many clothes in the living room of all places? The living room looked much better by the time the basket was full, and you set it by the washing machine to sort later. Next, you grabbed a broom and began to sweep the copious amount of crumbs off the wood flooring. 

  When you dumped the dust bin full of dirt into the garbage, the living room was a whole new place. You now focused your attention on the kitchen. Oh boy, did you have your work cut out.


 After what seemed like an eternity, Alfred looked up from his work at the clock. His lunch hour had come like an angel from the heavens to bless his poor soul. He got up from his desk and walked over to his brother Matthew's. "Hey Mattie!" Alfred said, "You wanna go to lunch with me? We can go to that new cafe down the street!"

  "Uh, okay." Mattie smiled, getting up and following the exited American. Together they walked to the elevator and began the journey down. "So, did you hear about Arthur? Someone told me he's in Russia right now..." Matthew said. Alfred nodded, "Oh yeah. I'm actually watchi- wait, you don't know, do you?"

"Know what?" Matthew asked. "Oh my god, you don't know!" Alfred laughed. "Tell me!" Matthew frowned, confusion obvious on his face. "I'll tell when we get to the cafe. You have to wait!" Alfred grinned, poking his brother's cheek. "Why can't you just tell me now, Alfred?" Mattie said, getting annoyed.

  "Honestly, you'll want to be sitting down when I tell you." The american smirked, walking out the front door of the office building with Matthew in tow. They walked to the aforementioned cafe in silence.Once there, they placed their orders and took a seat at a table for two outside. "Spill!" Matthew insisted once they were seated. Alfred grinned. "You're not going to believe it, but Arthur has a kid now!"

 Matthew nearly spit out the water he was sipping. "What!?" he choked. "It's true! Her name is (y/n) and she's staying with me while he's in Russia!" Alfred grinned. "How the hell does he have a kid?" The Canadian said, folding his arms. "He adopted her. I just found out yesterday. So that makes you an uncle now! Me too!" Alfred exclaimed. "Oh my god, you're right..." Matthew said, leaning back in his chair. "But still, why did he adopt a kid?"

  "It's a long story..."

 "We have an hour." Matthew stated bluntly.


"So let me get this straight. Arthur found a kid at the bus stop in front of his house, took her in, then she got hit in the face with a burning frying pan so he adopted her? What?" Matthew said, taking the last bite of his sandwich. "Yeah, it's weird... But still, you should meet her! You wanna come over after work and eat pizza and stuff?" Alfred said. His brother nodded, "That's be nice... How old is, you said (y/n), right?"

 "Oh, yeah. She's fourteen." The American smiled. "Woah, really? I thought she'd be younger..." Matthew said, "Anyway, we should probably head back now. We have 10 minutes and I wanted to get a head start."

  Alfred nodded. "Yeah. She's pretty cool though." He said as he and Matthew stood up and pushed their chairs in. As they walked back to the building in silence, Matthew contemplated what his brother said. He had a niece now. He would be an adult figure for someone. What would she think of him?

  Matthew sat down at his desk and began his work. Before he could do anything, however, Alfred's conversation with the known "office fool", Gilbert, quickly caught his attention. He strained his ears to listen as he pretended to be on his computer.

 "How's (yn), by the way?" Gilbert asked. "Oh, she's good. We made pancakes this morning. Matt's actually coming over after work to meet her, because apparently Arthur adopted her, which makes us uncles!" Arthur beamed. Gilbert's eyes widened. "He adopted her? Woah! I guess that does make you her uncle.." Gilbert replied. He turned to Matthew, who was busying himself organizing papers. "Hey, Matt!" Gil said, walking up to the Canadian, "You're going to love (yn)! Seriously, she's a cinnamon roll." He smiled. Matthew opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by Antonio prancing up to them with his familiar grin.

  "Hello! Are you guys talking about (yn)? I heard her name..." He said, coming to a stop. "Yeah," Matthew said quietly, "Gilbert was telling me about her..." 

 "Alfred and Matthew are her uncles now!" Gilbert said excitedly. Spain gasped. "No fair! I want to be her uncle! She's so adorable!" He pouted. Matthew smiled a little. "She must really be something.." The Canadian replied. "Oh, she is! The only way to describe her is, 'cinnamon roll'." Gil laughed. Toni smirked, "That should be her nickname or something."

  "What are you naming my niece now?" Alfred asked from his desk a few feet away. "Cinnamon roll." Matthew smirked at him. "That sounds like a stripper name." Alfred laughed, and Gil snorted. "What the hell, man!" The German said. 


 You sweeped the last of the dirt and other bits into the dustbin, standing up and dumping it in the trash proudly. Your phone buzzed on your way to put the broom away and you grabbed it off the counter as you walked past.

"Hey, i'm going to be home soon with pizza. Your new uncle Matt is coming over for dinner so you can meet him"   The text from Alfred displayed. You narrowed you eyes at you phone. Alfred had never mentioned anyone named Matt. And he's your new uncle? You hoped he wasn't as weird as Alfred. Still, pizza.

 "Great!" You sent back, then went to put the broom away. By the time you got back to where your phone was charging the American had already responded, "You know that means talking to someone new, right?"

 "Slightly less great!"

Hey guys! i'm soooooo sorry this took so long! i've had a crazy week and didn't get much time to write. but hey, a new character! You'll forgive me because Canada, right? You know i love you guys! Asta la pasta~

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ