Chapter 131

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Romano: Update Emil stared that fucker down and Leon has moved across the room

Alfred: Yesss

Yao: Dammit I didn't raise a pussy

Lukas: Nor did I.

Mathias: ^^^

Ivan: It was intense.

Romano: (y/n) doesn't give a single shit she's been drawing this entire time

Romano: Arthur lied Emil knows what's in it

Romano: He just looked over her shoulder and is watching her draw

Arthur: Dammit I wanna know what's in it

Lukas: I'll ask him

Alfred: My money's still on porn

Francis: Alfred no

Arthur: God dammit we've been over this

Lukas: He says it's doodles of everyone here with their names?????

Lukas: Like everyone she's met today

Francis: That's cute but why

Alfred: I wonder if i'm in there

Lukas: Emil says it's probably because she forgets everything and forgetting names is rude

Arthur: She does forget everything to be honest

Francis: Like what

Arthur: She remembers isolated events but not when they happened or sometimes why

Arthur: Like she remembered that she got detention for destroying that guitar recently but she didn't remember that it was last week

Arthur: Also names

Arthur: Watching movies is great because she forgets all the character names 2 minutes after they're said

Francis: Awww that's actually really sad

Matthew: Why does she forget everything though like that's extreme forgetting

Arthur: It's a common side effect of like everything that she has going on, so

Romano: Hold up what's wrong with her

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