Chapter 112

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   "Hey, princess!" Emil grinned as you slowly made your way down the stairs to the apartments, backpack slung over one shoulder. "'Mornin." You yawned back, fog coming out of your mouth due to the cold, "It's too early to be Monday."

  Emil, seemingly wide awake, laughed and grabbed your hand in his, "Yeah," He replied, "But at least winter break starts tomorrow. And you get Sebastian back today!"

  "Yeah, that's cool." You sighed. Emil narrowed his eyes. "You okay?" He asked, swinging your hand with his as you walked around the corner. "Yeah. Just a little tired." You said. "I know how to wake you up." Emil smirked, inching towards his favorite alley as you approached it. You sighed and followed behind him into the shady area between the two buildings. Once you were safely out of sight of any people passing by, Emil pulled you to him and gently pressed his lips to yours for a few moments before abruptly breaking away, frowning at you with concern. "You're not okay." He stated. "I'm fine, Em." You said, "Anyway, we're gonna be late."

  "You're a bad liar."


Arthur: Are you going to get Sebastian after school?

You: If it's okay

Arthur: Of course. I have to stay late for some meetings, but Alfred's coming over to watch movies with you. He should be there when you get home. Be safe!

You: Nnice


    "Hey there." Emil smiled from behind you as you put your things in your binder, your head inside your locker. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you to him from behind. "Hey." You smiled while you zipped your backpack and spun around to face Emil as he hugged you to him. "I wanna go with you to get Sebastian." He smiled, "We can get food."

  "You don't have to go all the way downtown with me." You muttered, making Emil snicker and you narrow your eyes. "I swear to god, you have the worst mind." You said, wiggling out of his grasp to grab your backpack, "Anyway, it's a long walk to the music store. You don't have to."

  "But I want tooo~" He whined, putting his chin on your shoulder. "What about your brothers? They'll flip if you're late coming home." You asked. "I asked them if I could go this morning. They're fine." Emil grinned. You sighed and smiled as the male squeezed your hand. "Alright, if you really want to, you nerd." You said as you left the crowded school hallways and walked through the field outside the school. "I do! I wanna spend all my time with you!" Emil exclaimed.

   As you passed the many shops downtown, Emil looked into each window with interest. "I rarely go downtown." He sighed happily, "It's so cool!"

  "Yeah." You said absentmindedly, glancing at the cars that passed by. Emil pulled you by the hand toward a booth selling flowers down the street, inhaling deeply as you passed it. "Flowers!" He said excitedly, making you smile. "They do smell good." You replied. The lady running the booth smiled at the two of you warmly. "Isn't school still in? What are you kids doing downtown?" She asked. "It just got out." You said quietly, smiling politely. "(y/n), look!" Emil exclaimed, letting go of your hand and running down the sidewalk to another small shop. "H-Have a nice day!" You called to the lady, who just laughed as you ran after the teen. 

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