Chapter 12

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The ride to, what you would happily call "home", was relaxing. Arthur said where he lived was too far away from your old school, so once the doctor said you could, you could start at a new school a few blocks away.

"How come I can't start for a while?" You asked quietly. Your old school was terrible, and you were really anxious to start fresh. Arthur explained, "Your doctor said you were severely underweight and malnourished, so it's not a good idea to stress you out that much or do any sort of physical activity until that's sorted out. You have tons of medication you have to take now too, and i'm supposed to make sure you take it.". You looked out the window and sighed. "Oh," You said quietly. Arthur chuckled "It won't be so bad. We're almost home, by the way. Hopefully there won't be anyone waiting for us..."

He was wrong. Alfred was standing outside the apartment, holding a plastic bag in one hand and a soda in the other. "If he brought another burger..." Arthur grinded his teeth. Alfred's face lit up when he saw you and Arthur, and he started waving the hand with the bag. "Do people regularly show up at your house?" You asked, amused. Arthur grunted, "More than i'd like them too." as he parked by the sidewalk. You both got out of the car, and Alfred ran up to you first, completely ignoring Arthur. "(y/n)!" He said excitedly, "You're back!"

Arthur glared at him. "Yes, but she needs lots of rest. No more burgers." he said bitterly. You looked at him, confused as to why he was being so hostile. "That's why i'm here!" Alfred continued, unphased by Arthur's annoyance. "I brought movies for us to watch!" He said, holding up the bag. You smiled. Alfred was nice. Arthur ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I guess that isn't a horrible idea.." He unlocked the door, and all three of you went inside.

Alfred walked over to the t.v., putting a disc from the bag into the DVD player. You ran up the stairs and into your room, grabbing the comforter off of your bed and running with it downstairs. Alfred was sitting on the couch, waiting for you while Arthur was in the kitchen. You spread the comforter out on the floor, then layed down on one end, rolling yourself up in the blanket. Alfred laughed as you stood up inside the blanket and shuffled over, plopping yourself next to him on the couch. "Look, Iggy! (y/n)'s a burrito!" He said. Arthur looked over from the kitchen and smiled. You looked past Alfred at him, raising one eyebrow.

"Iggy?" You said, smirking. Arthur's smile faded and he glared at Alfred. "Look what you've done now!" He said to Alfred, "You know i hate it when you call me that!" Arthur pouted. You laughed at his poutiness, and he turned to you. "Don't you go calling me that too!" He said, crossing his arms. "Only if you come watch the movie," You smirked. "Blackmailing now, are we?" He chuckled, coming over and sitting on the other side you. Alfred pushed play, and you all focused your attention on the screen. It was a superhero movie, which you loved.

A few minutes in, the villain of the movie made his appearance. The scene was dark, and right as the music became quiet a loud explosion boomed from behind the evil looking man. Alfred jumped beside you, and when you looked over at him he was trying not to look scared. He glanced over at you and smiled weakly. "Scared, (y/n)?" He said, his voice shaking slightly. You shook your head. The hero of the movie pulled out a gun, and Alfred suddenly pulled you toward him, hugging you.

"I-It's okay (y/n)." He said, his voice growing more shaky with every syllable, "Y-you don't h-h-have to pretend not to b-be s-scared..". You tried to escape, but your burrito blanket trapped your arms at your sides. Alfred only hugged you tighter, and you relaxed a little once you realized escape was impossible. Arthur glanced over, and upon seeing Alfred's intense cuddling, grabbed your shoulders and ripped you from his grasp. "Back off," Arthur said, putting an arm around your shoulders and pulling you towards him.

Alfred fake pouted, grabbing the sides of your burrito blanket and pulling you towards him again. He picked up the mass of blanket, setting you on his lap and hugging you once again. "She likes me more, Iggy." Alfred smirked. While the cuddle was nice, you did not want to be on anyone's lap. You squirmed a little, and Arthur glared at Alfred. "See?" Arthur said, "She doesn't like you."

"Whatever, dude." Alfred said, putting his chin on your head. While you still weren't fully okay with this, you had to admit that Alfred's cuddles were pretty great. You very much enjoyed cuddles and hugs, and you liked Alfred's willingness to give them. You relaxed a little more, watching the movie with interest.

Arthur grunted, folding his arms and looking annoyed. Alfred turned, looking at Arthur. "Is someone jealous?" He teased. "No." Arthur mumbled, and you giggled. Looking up at Alfred, you jerked your head toward the Brit next to him. He nodded knowingly, and set you beside him with a smirk. You scooted closer to Arthur and put your head on his shoulder, making him tense up for a second in surprise. He put his arm around you once again, sticking his tongue out at Alfred. Your eyes drooped a bit as you watched the movie, and before long you were asleep on Arthur's shoulder.


As the credits rolled, Arthur looked down at you, only to find you asleep. He laughed a little, and Alfred looked over at him. He smiled at your sleeping form while he put the DVD back in his case. "I brought some more movies," Alfred said, standing up, "But I think we should watch them later." He smirked. Arthur picked you up, bridal style, and carried you into your room. As he went up the stairs, Alfred said his goodbyes and left quietly, not wanting to wake you up.

As he set you in your bed, you sighed in your sleep. Arthur looked at you for a minute, then, as carefully and softly as he could, planted a small kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight, (y/n)" he whispered, tiptoeing out of your room and turning off the light.

Hey guys! this chapter was sooo fun to write! i was fangirling over my own story bc i am trash :3 I hope you guys love it! Don't forget to comment and vote,too! asta la pasta~

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