Chapter 123

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    Arthur raced through the sliding glass door, slamming his hands on the receptionist table. "I'm Arthur Kirkland." He said, regaining his breath. "Ah, yes. Right this way." The receptionist pointed to the elevator, "Floor 3, room 123."

   Emil sat in the chair closest to your bed, looking at you sadly. You were hooked up to a few machines, an IV pumping something into one of your arms. The Brit nearly broke down the door on his way in, making Emil jump in surprise. "Hello, sir." He said quietly, "If anyone asks, i'm her cousin."

   "Alright." Arthur muttered. The teen stood up and moved to a chair farther away so your dad could be closer to you. "So... You found her in the kitchen?" The blond asked, and Emil nodded. "Yes, sir. She texted me and said someone was coming up the stairs, and then she said it wasn't you in all caps and stopped answering." Emil explained, "They haven't told me what's wrong."

  At that moment a figure peeked in the small window of the hospital door.  Alfred quietly came in, taking in a deep breath when he saw you. "Do you know who did this?" He asked in a voice so calm it was terrifying, looking to Emil. "Not for sure, sir." Emil said, "But they had to have known the doorknob is broken."

   "Mister Kirkland? May I have a word with you?" A nurse said quietly, sticking their head in the doorway. "Yes." Arthur said, standing up and maneuvering past Emil and Alfred to follow the nurse down the hall.


  You had broken your left leg, three ribs, had multiple strange puncture wounds in your stomach, and sprained both your wrists.

   "So when is she going to wake up?" Arthur questioned, trying to remain calm. "We gave her a blood transfusion, stitched closed the wounds on her stomach, and reset the bone in her leg under anesthesia, so it'll be a while." The nurse said, examining the papers he held in his hand, "but she'll be in a lot of pain when she does. I imagine she's going to be here for a week, maybe two..."

   "Well?" Alfred asked when Arthur crept back into the room. "Her leg is broken, and some ribs. Also she has potential stab wounds." The Brit said quietly, "She won't be awake for a while."

   "Stab wounds!?" Alfred exclaimed, only to be shushed by Arthur. The American leaned over to where you lay and tugged the blanket away, lifting up your shirt. "Stop that." Arthur snapped, smacking his hand away. "But look." Alfred said, lifting up your shirt again, "they do look like stab wounds."

   Arthur sighed and leaned over to look. Many stiched cuts dotted your stomach and side, ranging from a couple inches long to a few small scrapes. Emil peeked behind Arthur, only to have Alfred reach an arm over to cover the teens eyes. "No peeking, kid." He smirked, making Emil's face turn pink. "That's not what-" he began before Alfred laughed and removed his hand. "I know. I'm just being an asshole."

   "Alright, enough. We need to let her sleep." Arthur muttered, pushing Alfred's hand away and adjusting the blanket. As he sat back down, the door was violently thrown open to reveal and panting Matthew. "Oh god, oh god." He gasped, looking to you in horror, "What is it?"

   "Broken leg, broken ribs, and stab wounds." Alfred said. "We don't know if they're stab wounds." Arthur corrected. Matthew put a hand over his mouth and sighed. "She'll be okay. It's not like they put her in the ICU." Alfred muttered. "I'm going to fucking kill whoever did this." Matthew grumbled, and Arthur put a hand on his shoulder. "Getting upset isn't going to fix this." The Brit said gently, "we can ask her more when she wakes up, okay?"


"Look, I think she's moving!"

"Shush, don't make her wake up."

   Your eyes were met with a blurry white ceiling. As you blinked and reached up to rub your eye, the events that occurred hit you like a brick wall and made you sit up abruptly, only to scream in pain. "Oh, shit!" Alfred said, putting his hands on your shoulders and forcing you to lie down as you thrashed around. "Move." Arthur stated, pushing the American aside and gently putting his hands on your shoulders. "It's okay, (y/n)." he cooed, "You're safe."

   At the sight of Arthur, you instantly stopped thrashing, but continued to shake. "You're at the hospital. No one's gonna hurt you now." He continued, gently rubbing your shoulders. "Look! It's uncle Matthew!" Matt said enthusiastically, appearing beside Arthur. You shrugged off his hands and slowly pushed yourself up onto your elbows, continuing to wince at the pain and shiver despite the room being quite warm. "No sitting up." Arthur sighed sadly, gently pushing you back down, "Doctors orders."

   "That's shit." You muttered, but obeyed him nonetheless and lied back down onto your back. "You have a broken leg, three broken ribs, sprained wrists, and multiple picture wounds." Arthur recited, looking to you sadly as he sat back down. "Sounds about right." You muttered bitterly. "Do you know what the cuts on your stomach are?" Alfred asked from his chair. You put a hand on your stomach and narrowed your eyes. "No. That's a little concerning." You said sarcastically. Arthur's eyes widened, and he leaned over and took your hand in both of his. "Who did this?" He whispered.

  "Italian stepfucker. Knocked me out right off the bat. No idea why he only broke one leg." You muttered, beginning to shake again at the thought of him. "Shit." Arthur swore, reaching out to rub your shoulder, "It's okay now. You want more blankets?"

    "N-No, I'm fine." You smiled weakly "but yeah, he beat the shit outta me, didn't he?"

   "That's it. Eddie or whatever his name is is dead." Alfred glared. "Dunno where he lives, Al. Sorry." You sighed, "Might have his license plate in my photos, though. Where's my phone?"

   "Knowing Emil, he probably grabbed it. He'll be back later." Arthur said. "Wait, why would be have my phone?" You asked. "He and Tino and Mathias found you." He explained, "Emil was worried because you stopped answering the phone."

   "Cool." You said sarcastically, closing your eyes. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" Matthew questioned. "Well, I do have multiple stab wounds, so not that much" You said, still speaking sarcastically. "Is now really the time for this?" Arthur said sternly. "If anyone has the right to be a bitch, it's me." You muttered, rolling over onto your side before flopping back onto your back and muttering, "that was a terrible idea."

   "You know what you need? Ice cream." Alfred said, standing up and walking towards the door, "I'm sure there's some around here."

  "I don't want any." You frowned. "Too bad!" He grinned, closing the door behind him. "Fuck." You muttered, glaring at the ceiling as Arthur laughed. "There's no stopping him." The Brit said, "He can't hug you, so this is the next best thing."


"That's not nice language." Matthew said, narrowing his eyes.

  "Fucking shit."



The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang