Chapter 41

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    The sun shone in your eyes, making you sigh and sit up. The arm that previously had an IV in it reached upwards in a fist as you stretched. Your phone buzzed on you lap and you picked it up to check the time. 10:32am. A new message displayed on the screen.


  Arthur: I have to run some work errands. I'll be back as soon as i can.

  You frowned and set you phone back down. With a sigh, you looked around the room until you noticed Sebastian in his case on the table beside you. You grabbed the case and set it gently on your lap before opening it. Sebastian was in his regular perfect condition, and you smiled and strummed a few chords. As you finished warming up, your regular nurse returned. "Oh, you're awake!" She smiled, "I, uh, have a little request of you."

  "Yeah?" You asked curiously. "You were playing the Steven Universe song yesterday, weren't you?" The nurse asked. "Yeah." You smiled. "Well," She began, "A few kids in the rooms down the hall could hear you, and they got, like, really excited. Could you come to the recreation area and play some songs?" 

  You grinned at her in surprise. "Sure!" You said cheerily, "I know a lot of songs from TV shows."

    The nurse beamed. "Thank you! some of these kids have been here for longer than you. They need this, really. I'll walk you there." She said excitedly, and you put Sebastian in his case to carry with you. The nice nurse walked you down the long hallway until you reached a large room you hadn't seen before. Toys and blocks were scattered around the spacious room, and the walls were covered in a mural depicting a forest with friendly looking animals. "Take a seat anywhere. Some other nurses are going to bring some patients in a few minutes once they hear you." The nurse said happily. You selected a very small wooden chair and sat with Sebastian's case on the floor beside you.

  Strumming a few assorted chords, you decided to start with the song that got you into this in the first place.

 "If you're evil and you're on the rise,

You can count on the four of us

Takin' you down!

'Cuz we're good and evil never beats us,

We'll win the fight

and then go out for pizzas!"

 You looked up in surprise as a small voice joined in on the last line. A little girl in a pink hospital gown was sitting in a small wheelchair parked in front of you. She couldn't have been more than seven. "Would you like to sing with me?" You asked gently. She nodded excitedly. "Okay. Ready?" You smiled before strumming the first chord of the chorus. She joined in with glee.

"We, are the Crystal Gems!

We'll always save the day!

And if you think we can't,

We'll always find a way!

That's why the people

of this world believe in,



and Pearl!

And Steven!"

 You dramatically strummed the last chord a few times, making the little girl giggle. "What other songs do you like?" You asked. Before she could answer, another small voice saying, "There she is!" excitedly made you look past the girl with interest. Another little boy in a baby blue gown was being wheeled in by the friendly nurse. She gave you a thumbs up as she left, walking past another nurse bringing another boy with an IV. The new nurse grinned at you as he parked the kid and walked around the corner. "What songs do you like?" You asked them with a friendly smile. One of the two little boys raised his hand and said, "Ooh! Ooh! Do you know the Giant woman song?"

  "I sure do!" You grinned as you found the first chord. All of them enthusiastically sang along as you began.

"All I wanna do,

Is see you turn into, 

A giant woman! 

A giant woman!..."


Arthur walked into your hospital room and narrowed his eyes in concern when it was empty. "Excuse me," He said, walking up to the information counter, "Where is my daughter? About yay tall, (h/l) (h/c) hair, supposed to be in room 107.." 

  "Oh, the girl in room 107? She's down the hall. Be really quiet when you walk down there, please." A nurse smiled at him. "Uh, thanks. What's she doing down there?" Arthur asked. "You'll see." The nurse grinned. Arthur looked at her oddly before turning around and walking as quietly down the hall as he could. He was surprised to hear a lot of childish voices coming from a large room around the corner.

 "Adventure Time!

Come on, grab you friends!

We'll go to very

Distant lands.

With Jake the dog,

and Finn the human,

the fun will never end!

It's Adventure Time!"

  As he neared the corner, he heard a soft, older sounding voice among the children singing. the Brit peeked around the corner and almost fell over at what he saw.

  You were sitting on a child-sized wooden chair surrounded by children of varying ages. Most of the children were in wheelchairs, a few with rolling IVs beside them. You were strumming your ukulele contently and singing some song from a TV show with a big smile on your face. Arthur ducked back around the corner and covered his mouth with his hand. It was probably the cutest thing he had ever seen. Taking out his phone, he opened the camera and just peaked the top of his phone past the corner until you were in view on the screen. Your dad snapped as many photos as he could with a big smile on his face before opening a group chat with his two brothers


Arthur: I came back from the meeting to this... 

in the message was the most in-focus picture of you and the kids singing cheerily.

Alfred: oh mY GOD

Alfred: I AM DEAD

Matthew: Awe!



Matthew: She looks like she's enjoying herself. I didn't know she liked kids!



Arthur: Al calm down


Arthur: Alfred please

Hey guys! i thought of this idea during ukulele practice and just had to! you know i love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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