Chapter 64

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  Arthur sighed quietly, fidgeting in his chair as the meeting ran endlessly. When Yao was not looking, the Brit pulled out his phone and tapped on the screen.

You: Met up with Em to walk there.

Arthur: Okay. Be safe.

   "What is so important," Yao said suddenly, standing over Arthur, "That it couldn't wait until the end of the meeting?"

  "Uh..." Arthur said nervously. "I'm sure everyone wants to know what you had to do this instant." Yao said irritably. The blond looked around before glaring up at Yao. "I was making sure my daughter got to a funeral okay." He spat. "Oh? Why is she going to a funeral?" Yao said, taking a step away from the Brit with widened eyes. "Her best friend died." Arthur replied bitterly, "Anything else?"

   "No... Uh, sorry." Yao said quietly, walking slowly back up to the front of the room before beginning to lecture again. Alfred put his hand on Arthur's shoulder and looked at him sadly.


  You held Emil's hand gently, wandering down the street with him toward the cemetery with a bouquet of lilies in the other . Emil was wearing his black dress pants and black tie over a white button-up, you in a plain black dress you used to wear to church. "You ready?" He asked, giving your hand a squeeze. You nodded and walked to where a casket stood surrounded by people.

  The funeral didn't last long, but by the second speaker you couldn't cold back the tears. Emil held you close while you shook. After some of her family members had spoken, people began placing flowers with Erika and whispering their last words. You quickly got in the line forming. Once your turn had come, you gently placed the lilies, her favorite flower, beside her. It took all your strength not to take her hand and beg her to wake up. Emil took your hand and led you away, tears in his eyes as you let your tears flow freely. He was about to suggest joining the crowd leaving to get into taxis and walking down the street when a strange man approached the two of you.

  "Are you (y/n)?" He asked. You looked to him and nodded. "I'm Vash, Erika's older brother..." He began, wiping a stray tear from his eye. You offered your hand and he shook it. "I, uh, have something for you. Erika, she... She saw this at the store and wanted to give it to you for Christmas a few weeks back. She was really excited to give it to you..." Vash choked out, taking your hand and closing your fingers around a small box. You stared at your hand for a moment before choking back a sob yourself. 

  "Thank you..." You said quietly. "It's what she wanted. Maybe... I'll see you around some time. Take care..." The blond said, turning around slowly and walking toward a taxi. You watched him go before looking at the box once again. It was small and white, your name written on the top. Emil took your free hand gently and said, "Ready to go?"

  You took one last look at the cemetery employees burying your best friend before nodding and letting the male lead you down the street.


 You: I'm home.

Arthur: Okay. How was it?

You: i'll tell you later.

   Arthur narrowed his eyes at his phone. "How is (y/n)?" Francis asked from his desk across from his. "She's been fine. She just said that she's back from the funeral." Arthur muttered. "That's so sad. She doesn't deserve to have to go through something like this..." Francis said sadly. "Yeah, i'm worried she'll spiral back down after this. She was just starting to eat regularly and leave her room." Arthur said quietly. "Oh god. Did you ever convince her to come to Take Your Kid day?" The Frenchman questioned. "I haven't brought it up, but i'm thinking I should just make her come. She needs to get out of the house for reasons other than funerals. She has two others to go to tomorrow." Arthur replied. 

     Francis put a hand over his mouth and looked as if he could cry. "She doesn't deserve any of this." He stated, putting a fist on the table. 


  "(y/n)? I snuck out early." Arthur said as he took off his coat. When he was met with silence, he crept up the stairs and peered into your room. You were laying on your bed and staring a the ceiling, your earbuds securely in your ears to block out noise. The Brit walked to where you lay and sat down by your torso. You looked up at him and took out your earbuds. "Hey," He smiled gently, "How was today?"

  "I met Erika's brother. He gave me something he said Erika was gonna give me." You said quietly, pointing to the white box that sat on your nightstand. "Oh, what is it?" Arthur asked as he gently picked it up. "Dunno. Haven't opened it." You replied. 

"Why not?" 

"Just haven't."

  He nodded and ruffled your hair. "You hungry?" The Brit asked. You shook your head and he frowned. "I want you to eat something and take your meds." He insisted, "It's mac 'n cheese night."

  "Okay." You said absentmindedly. Arthur left the room and returned with your assorted medications counted out along with a glass of water. "Take these while I make dinner, please." He said gently as he sat them on the nightstand before leaving the room. You sat up and glared at your pills. Deciding to just get it over with, you downed them and chugged the water. The smell of the artificial cheese soon dragged you down the stairs and into the kitchen where Arthur was scooping the noodles into bowls. "Wanna eat on the couch and watch a movie?" He asked with a smile. You nodded and took a bowl from him as you followed him to the couch.

  Hey guys! sorry this one's kinda short, didn't have much to say. I love you all, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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