Chapter 14

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The next morning, you were awoken by noise from downstairs. keeping your eyes closed, you attempted to listen from the comforts of your bed.

"In Russia!? Why the hell would you hold a meeting there!?"


"There's absolutely no way i'm going!"


"Because I have to take care of (y/n), that's why!!"


"Nevermind who she is, it's a long story."


"If it's that fucking important, then why don't you have the meeting here!?"


"You'll do what!?"


"Goddammit, Yao. Fine, i'll fucking be there."

A few minutes later, a soft knock came from your door. "(y/n)?" You heard Arthur say softly, "Are you awake?" You got up and opened your door, rubbing your eyes Yeah," you said quietly. Arthur looked incredibly upset, and that made you nervous. "What's wrong?" You asked, worried. He ran his hand through his messy hair, and he said, "I just got a call from my coworker. I have to leave for a few days."

Your eyes widened. "Where?"

"Russia, of all places." He smiled grimly, "But apparently I have to go alone, so you'll have to stay here..." He sighed. You frowned. Russia sounded like it would be fun, but you knew arguing or asking to go would be useless. "Oh." You said quietly. "When do you leave?"

"In a few hours." He said, "I'll see if Alfred is going. Maybe he can come over and hang out with you or something. Would that be okay?" Arthur asked. You smiled and said, "Yeah. That sounds fun. I'll go make breakfast." He smiled back, and said "Okay. Be careful." as he walked down the hall to his room. You went downstairs and began to scramble some eggs on the stove.

Arthur came down with a suitcase about 10 minutes later, just as you were putting the food on the table. "I called Alfred, and he said if you want, you can just stay at his house while i'm gone. He doesn't have to work all this week, so it would be no problem. would that be okay?" Arthur asked as you two began to eat. You really didn't want to leave Arthur's house, but you also didn't want to be any inconvenience either. "Yeah." You said quietly as you ate. "I told him you'd be there in an hour, so when you're done you should get packed." Arthur said as he got up and rinsed his plate.

You finished quickly and put your dishes in the sink. Once you were in your room, you realized you hadn't even unpacked from your mom's. You took out some clothes you weren't going to need from your suitcase and put them in your closet, then went downstairs to pack your medicine. Arthur came downstairs as you were finishing up, and after putting both your suitcases in the trunk of the car you both set off for Alfred's.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now