Chapter 23

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  The five of you piled into Alfred's car. Because you were the smallest, you were smushed into the middle seat in the back, between Francis and Gilbert. As soon as the car started you put in your earbuds and began to listen to some music quietly as you stared straight ahead. 

   Gilbert looked at your spaced out face and narrowed his eyes. "Vhat do kids even listen to today, anyvay?" He asked. You continued to stare ahead with no change of expression. "I don't think she can hear you..." Francis said, turning to look at you. The German looked to the phone on your lap and picked it up slowly. You didn't notice. He unlocked it and flipped through your music silently. 

  "I recognize none of zhese..." Gilbert said. "What does she have?" Francis asked, leaning forward to look at Gil. "Uh, most of them are from this band called "My Chemical Romance", but there's like "Panic!At the Disco", and "Twenty one Pilots".... What even are these?" Gilbert mumbled. Toni looked back from the passenger seat. "We should play them!" He said, smiling. You noticed Toni facing you and took out your earbuds to look at him. 

  "What?" you asked quietly, "I couldn't hear you..."

  "Vhe vant to hear jour music!" Gilbert said. You turned to him with an alarmed look. "I don't think you'll like it..." You said. Francis took your phone from Gilbert -wait, when did they get your phone?- and unplugged your earbuds. He then plugged the cord connected to the radio into the headphone jack. "Don't say I didn't warn you..." You mumbled. "I'm sure we'll like it!" Toni exclaimed, "Let's put it on shuffle!"

  Francis looked at your phone and pressed the "Shuffle" button. You sighed quietly and waited for the song to start. A small explosion sound came from the speakers, and your eyes widened.

   "Oh crap... Any song but this one..." You said. "Vhell, now vhe have to hear it!" Gil said excitedly. Francis looked at you sideways and narrowed his eyes at your paling face. "This is how I die." You mumbled as the words came.

"Mama, we all go to hell.

Mama, we all go to hell! 

I'm writing, 

this letter, 

and wishing, 

you well.


  The song continued as Gilbert, Antonio and Franics looked at you with shock on their faces. "What the heck is this!?" Alfred asked from the driver's spot. "(y/n)'s music..." Gilbert said quietly. "Uh..." You laughed nervously. 

"Mama we're all gonna die! 

Stop asking me questions, 

I'd hate to see you cry! 

Mama, we're all gonna die!

And when.."

"What even is this?" Francis asked.  You looked at him sideways. "Uh... Music?" You replied nervously. Gilbert just stared at you with concern.

"And right now,

 they're building a coffin your size!"

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now