Chapter 36

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Arthur's phone rang loudly, jerking him awake from his slumber. You had insisted he go home and get a decent sleep for work, and he sighed as he remembered where he was. He looked around until he found his phone on his nightstand and answered it.

 "Hey, Iggsyface." A familiar voice said. "Good morning, Al. I'm getting ready for work." Arthur replied tiredly. "I know. I'm just calling to say i'm taking a sick day to chill with (y/n)." Alfred said excitedly. "You don't have to do that. Matthew's already insisted on being there." Arthur replied. "Too bad! Can't a guy hand out with his niece?" The american said cheerily, "I already called the boss, so no going back!"

  "Alright then. Have fun." Arthur said with a sigh, hanging up.


 You were awoken by noise next to your head. When you opened your eyes, a nurse was standing beside your bed, changing your IV bag. "Mornin'." She said, "Feelin' better?"

  "When can I eat?" you mumbled. The nurse picked up the clipboard with your information on it. "Today is the day." She said, "I'll get you some Jello."

  "Thanks." You said as she left. Matthew stirred from his sleep at your words. He slowly sat up and rubbed an eye. "Hi." He smiled, "Who were you talking to?"

 "A nurse. I can eat now." You said quietly. "Oh, sweet!" Matthew said happily. The nurse came back at that moment and handed you a cup of red Jello as well as a spork. "Thank you." You said as she walked out of the room. Matthew looked at his phone while you opened the cup of red sustenance. "Is it good?" He asked once you took a bite. You were silent for a second. "Not at all." You said as you took another bite.  Matthew laughed as you ate the horrid Jello.

  At that moment,  familiar face appeared in the window on the door. The door opened and your uncle ran in with an excited grin. "Hi, kiddo! I took a sick day!" Alfred beamed. "Hi." You smiled tiredly before resuming your Jello consumption. "Oh, are they letting you eat today?" He asked and he took a seat. "Yeah." You said as you finished the cup and set it on the table by the bed. "Nice, nice. You feeling any better?" Alfred asked as he ruffled your hair. "Yeah." You said. 

  "Let's watch TV!" The American said suddenly, seizing the remote. "Let's see... Oh, I've heard of Attack on Titan. Have you seen it? There's a marathon of it in a few minutes."

  You sat up with interest. "Emil keeps telling me to watch it." You said. "Then I guess we gotta!" Matthew said with a smirk.

*warning.  spoilers for the first episode of snk. you have been warned.*

  Arthur looked at the clock and sighed. Lunchtime. He picked up his phone and opened his messages with Alfred.

Arthur: How's she doing?

Alfred: We're watching this anime an TV and she laughed when everyone violently died...

Arthur: So she's doing fine?

Alfred: Yeah


 "WhAT!?" Alfred and Matthew screamed as the closing theme played on the final episode. You simply glared at the TV and said "This angers me." while they continued to hurl insults at the closing credits. 

*spoilers over*

  Just as you were about to suggest watching something else, a knock came from the door. "Come in." You said politely. The door opened with a click and an all-too familiar person strutted in.

Her hair was long and deep brown. Her blouse was white and her pencil skirt was red. 


 Your face paled considerably. "Oh my god (y/n), I came as soon as they called me!" She said sympathetically. "Who's they?" You spat back. "Why, the hospital, of course! I'm your legal guardian, after all." She grinned, "Now, who are these two gentleman here?"

 "My uncles." You stated coldly. Alfred looked to you in shock. Your pale face held the most hateful expression he had ever seen. "Don't be silly, sweetie! You don't have any uncles. Would you two please excuse yourselves? I'd like to talk to my daughter alone." Catherine smiled sweetly. You looked to uncle Matt and uncle Al, your eyes begging them not to go. They looked at you apologetically and retreated to the hallway silently. Catherine propped a chair under the doorknob after they left.

 "Since when the fuck are you my, "Legal Guardian"?" You hissed. "Since you ratted out your mommy and sent her to jail, bitch." She retorted as she stalked to your bedside. "I've missed you."

  "I came here two days ago. Like hell you, "Came as soon as you heard", Catherine." You said. She laughed and sat by your torso. "Let's not pay attention to fine details, honey." She smirked, cupping your chin in her hand and forcing your head up, "Let's talk about your mum. She's in jail because of you, you know."

 "Considering I was hit in the fucking face with a molten frying pan, It's pretty easy to come to that conclusion." You spat. "Now, now, that's not a very nice thing to say. You should respect your elders more." The brunette stated sweetly, digging her fake nails into your cheeks. "You seem to be behind a lot of things, huh? The reason your mom's in jail, the reason your dad... Oh, she tells you he "left", huh?"

 "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" You asked bitterly. Catherine released your face and ran her fingers through your hair. The gesture quickly turned painful as she grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced your face to look at her.

"Your daddy is dead, hun." 

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