Chapter 106

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     I'm sorry

Arthur was sitting at the table with his coffee, per the usual for weekday mornings. You had yet to appear at the bottom of the stairs and he worried you had overslept. As he was about to call for you, you suddenly raced down the stairs and hastily grabbed your backpack from by the door. "You're later than usual." Arthur muttered, holding up the lunch he made for you as he sipped his coffee. You raced over and gently took it from him. "Thanks. I had to tie these." You grinned, dramatically sticking out your leg to reveal black, knee-high combat boots laced all the way up. Arthur snorted. "Why are they so tall? That's gotta be annoying..." He smirked. "Beauty is pain." You laughed as you approached the door, "Have a good day at work!"

    Emil was waiting with his hands in his coat pockets at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, babe." He grinned as you ran down the stairs. "Hey." You smiled, reaching out your hand once you reached him. He gently took it, but to your surprise, held your knuckles to his lips and gently kissed your hand. Your ears turned bright red, and he laughed as he squeezed your hand before leading you down the sidewalk, you stumbling after in a slight daze. "You smooth fuck." You muttered, looking away once you caught up to his side. He just grinned and pulled you around the corner of the block enthusiastically. "Why are you-" You began with slight annoyance before he leaned in and kissed you gently. "I've been waiting since yesterday for that." He laughed at your surprised and beet red face. "Don't do that..." You sighed, glaring at him before continuing to walk down the sidewalk away from him. "Hey!" He said, narrowing his eyes and sprinting to catch up, "What's wrong?"

  "What if someone saw us?" You said irritably, "My dad would cut off your face."

  "Ah, yeah..." Emil frowned, "Good point. I'm, uh, sorry."

  "It's fine, just don't get us caught." You replied, still not meeting his gaze. Emil's smiled returned once he noticed you and him approaching a familiar alley between two buildings. "Don't get caught?" He repeated, and you looked to him and nodded. The male pointed to the alley and made a pout face, and you looked to where he pointed and snorted. "Please?" He said, poking your face. "We're gonna be late..." You muttered, and Emil sighed disappointingly before you suddenly yanked him into the alley.


   "Hello?" Arthur said in a slightly annoyed tone, putting his phone on speaker so he could drive and talk on his way home from lunch. The number that called his phone wasn't familiar, nor was the voice that spoke. "Is this Arthur Kirkland, father of (y/n) (l/n)?" A female voice said nervously. "Yes, may I ask who this is?" The Brit replied, narrowing his eyes at the road ahead of him. "This is Officer (random name, i'm too tired to be creative), from the (your county/city) Police Department. I'm calling in regards to Miss (l/n)."

  "Is something wrong? What happened?" Arthur asked as he abruptly pulled over to the side of the road. "I should have specified it was Miss (l/n) senior, Mr. Kirkland. You daughter is fine. I actually just got off the phone with her." The Officer explained. "Why did you call my daughter? What's going on?" Your Dad questioned as he took his phone off speaker and held it to his ear. "(mother's name) (l/n)... has passed away." The female voice said sadly, "I'm very sorry. sir."

  Arthur's face paled. "How?" He whispered. "We can't legally release that information just yet..." She sighed, "But I can say she did leave a note. It mentions your daughter, so if she wants she can come down to the station and see it..."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora