Chapter 53

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     You sat up with a gasp. It was pitch black and you were currently unable to breathe. Waves of panic washed over you as you curled up into a ball and leaned against the wall next to your bed, trying to regain your breath and calm yourself. You took deep, labored gasps of air as you rubbed your arms to soothe yourself. Nothing was working.

  After a few minutes of choking and arm rubbing, an idea popped into your head. You tried to shake it off. It wouldn't leave. Cautiously, you lifted your shaky arm so you could make it out in the darkness. Before you could think any more you sank your teeth into your hand.

  The panic began to subside. You bit harder, tasting a small amount of blood. After a short time you were left shaking and breathing hard through your nose. With your free hand you grabbed your phone and shined the light onto your now released hand. A small amount of blood was running down your hand from the bite marks on your skin. You sighed and shakily got off the bed, looking at the time on your phone as you stood up. 6:16 a.m. You had to get up in a few minutes for school anyway, so you decided to just start getting ready now. 

  After you took a nice shower, you got dressed and returned to the bathroom to begin digging through the cupboard behind the mirror for band-aids. There was a small box of them near the front of the cabinet and you grabbed it and opened it. One tiny one left. Damn. You continued to look through it until you heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. "What are you looking for? Are you sick?" Your dad asked. "Nah," You said, "I have injured myself and can't find any decent sized band-aids."

  "What did you do?" He asked with concern. You held up your still slightly bleeding hand and he gasped. "What did you do!?" He exclaimed, taking your wrist and examining your hand, "Are these teeth marks??"

  "I had a panic attack and bit myself for some reason." You explained, "But it made it stop faster so..."

  "Oh my god, (y/n)." Arthur sighed sadly, ushering your aside and digging through the cupboard under the sink. He took out a small first aid kit. "Band-aids won't fix this." He said as he opened the box and took out some gauze pads along with some medical wrap (don't judge me on my lack of medical knowledge i'm tryiNG). He grabbed your arm and placed the gauze so it covered all of your wound before wrapping it with the medical wrap. 

   "There." He said with a small smile as he released your hand, "All better. Next time wake me up, okay?" Arthur said gently. "Thank you." You replied quietly as you and him walked out of the bathroom. He walked downstairs and into the kitchen as you grabbed your backpack and put on your shoes with some difficulty due to your injury. "Bye, Dad." You called as you raced out the door to school. "You forgot your-" Arthur began. The door shut as he quietly muttered, "...Lunch."

 "What did you do?" Emil exclaimed as you met him at the corner of the street. "I bit myself really hard..." You said quietly. "Why?" He asked. "I don't even know, man. I was having a panic attack and it just kind of happened?" You replied. The teen narrowed his eyes and frowned. "I'm fine." You said with a small smile as you held up your hand, "See? It's all bandaged and if it leaves scars I'll tell people it's a werewolf bite."

  "You don't need more scars." He mumbled. "It's okay. Seriously." You said, "We should hurry because we have that thing first period."


  Arthur sipped his coffee as he stared at the wall absentmindedly. He couldn't stop thinking about you and your hand. Why did you bite yourself, of all things? Why didn't you wake him up instead of resorting to that? Why-

  "Iggs!" Alfred said, waving a hand in front of his face. Arthur blinked back into reality and frowned at him. "What?" The Brit said. "Dude, you're spacing out like crazy. Is something wrong?" The American said with concern. "No. I'm fine." Arthur replied. "Dude, telllll meeeeeeeee." Alfred pouted as he poked his brother's face. "Please leave." The eldest of the brothers said irritably. "Not until you tell me why you're all spacey and sad looking." Alfred insisted. 

  Arthur sighed and put his fingers to his temples. "(y/n) had a panic attack and bit her hand until it bled." He said quietly. Alfred gasped. "No! Is she okay?" He asked anxiously. "She's fine, she just has her hand all wrapped up." Arthur replied, "Now please let me work."

  "Fine. But tell me how she's doing later." Alfred said sadly, wandering away to his own desk.


  "So you cut it peeling potatoes?" Raivis asked uncertainly. "Yes." You stated as you picked up your phone. "Where's your lunch?" Emil asked in an attempt to change the topic. "I forgot it. It's cool though, i'm not hungry." You said. The silver haired male narrowed his eyes and opened his lunchbox. "You need to eat." He insisted, handing you half his sandwich. "No, dude, it's okay." You insisted. "Take it." Emil said sternly. You sighed and took it gently. "Thanks." You said with a small smile as you took a bite. 

  "You two need to get a room." Erland grinned from his seat a few feet away. You laughed as Emil turned red and extended his foot to gently kick his friend. "He's right." Erika teased. You dramatically put a hand over your heart and whipped your head to look at her. "You come into my house..." You said. The group laughed at you as you wiped a fake tear from your eye. "So, you two are going to homecoming, right?" Erika continued with a grin. Emil beamed as he said, "Yeah" happily. "That's adorable." She said, "Are you gonna wear a tie that matches the dress?"

  "Yeah. Black." Emil replied. "You guys will be the emo-est couple there." Raivis smirked. "You're darn right we will be." You smiled.

Hey guys! I'm going to be gone a bit this weekend to go to a marching band competition of my brother's (crater comets ftw) So this could possibly be all you get for a bit. You know i love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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