Chapter 9

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"No permanent physical damage, Mr. Kirkland"


"Something this traumatic might give her temporary amnesia"


"Hopefully not anything worse. We'll just have to wait and see."



You woke up in a plain white room. The gown you were dressed in greatly confused you at first, before everything came rushing back like a punch to the face. You sat up abruptly, starting to hyperventilate before arms pushed you into a lying position again. "Calm down. Jou're okay, (y/n). It's okay."

You looked over at the source of the voice. Ludwig was sitting in a chair by your bed, his face tired and his elbows on his knees. Sunlight trickled in from a window behind you, and you peeked around behind your bed to see a sunny afternoon. Realization hit, and you turned around to Ludwig in a panic.

"W-where's Arthur?" you asked anxiously. Ludwig chuckled and said, "I vhondered when jou'd ask. He had to go to zhat meeting mein bruder told him about. He left about 2 hours ago and should be back soon."

2 hours? woah. "H-how long have I b-been out?"

"Since yesterday, when Jour mom hit jou. Arthur told me vhat happened. How are jou feeling?" He said gently. You put a hand gently on your face and winced. "She messed jou up pretty bad," He said, "Zhey had to give jou stitches on the side she hit jou. Don't touch them." He reached down beside his chair and grabbed something. When his hand came back up, he handed you a container. "Zhe doctor said to drink zhis." You nodded and took it from him, sipping it. It was a smoothie, and you smiled at the good taste.

You heard loud footsteps down the hall, and suddenly Arthur burst into the room. "(y/n)! They said you were awake! Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He ran over to your bed, feeling your forehead. "Thank you for watching her, Ludwig. You can go now, if you want." Ludwig stood, nodding at you and saying goodbye to Arthur before leaving.

Arthur sat in Ludwigs chair, taking your hand in both of his. "The police came while you were out," He said. You looked at him, worried, and he continued. "the injuries to your face and my telling of what happened were enough evidence for the. Your mom is in jail, with no custody over you." You sighed in relief. They wouldn't send you back.

"What about me?" You asked quietly. Arthur sighed and let go of your hand, walking over to a table across the room and picking up a file. "Well," he said, walking back slowly. "Under normal circumstances, they'd put you in the foster system..." Your eyes welled up with tears. Were they going to take you away from Arthur? "I... I don't want to go..." you whispered, looking into your lap. "I know you don't" Arthur said gently, sitting down with the file and pulling out a pen. "So the police told me, if you wanted..."

He paused.

"I could adopt you."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now