Chapter 26

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   Alfred hugged the pillow in front of him tightly, whimpering slightly at the scene in front of him. The horror movie he had picked out was way too scary. He buried his face in the pillow as a main character was brutally murdered, the blood flying in all directions. (y/n) had gone to bed a long time ago. How could he sleep with the thought that such a scary creature could be lurking his halls?

  His phone buzzing beside him made him yelp. Looking around wildly, he spotted the device and grabbed it while pausing the movie. "H-hello?" he stuttered.

  "Hey, Alfred. How's it going?" 

  The american sighed in relief. It was just Arthur. "Good. What's up?" he asked. "I was just calling to say the storm passed. I should be back the day after tomorrow if all goes well." Arthur said. Alfred gasped. "Really! That's great!" he exclaimed, "I should tell (y/n) right now! She's totally gonna flip!"

 "Calm down." Arthur sighed, "Isn't it like two in the morning there?" he asked. "Oh yeah..." Alfred said. "Well, when she does wake up, can you tell her the certificate should probably be in my mail by now?" The Brit asked. "Oh, sure. Wait, what certificate?" Alfred replied. 

 "Oh, I didn't tell you? Her mom lost custody of her after she was in the hospital. (y/n) would've gone into the foster system, so to prevent that I kind of adopted her..."

   Alfred was silent. "Uh... Alfred?" A voice came from the phone in his hand. "S-She's your daughter now?" Alfred finally sputtered out. "Yes, I suppose." Arthur said. "S-S-So that m-makes me... Her uncle?" He asked, in a voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, now that I think about it, that would make you her uncle." Arthur replied.

  Alfred buried his face in his pillow and screamed. After a minute, he lifted his head and inhaled deeply before screaming into the cushion once again. All Arthur could hear were the muffled screams of his brother and he was growing very concerned. "Uh, Alfred?" He asked, "Why are you screaming?"

"beCAUSE THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE." Alfred yelled into the phone. "I'm glad you're happy, but I swear to god if you wake up (y/n) it will be the last day of your life." Arthur replied, getting annoyed. Alfred sighed. "This is so awesome! Me... An uncle..."


  You were sleeping peacefully, the streetlight outside your window being the only light in the room. Alfred stood in the doorway quietly. He checked his watch. 7 a.m. He didn't have to be to work for 2 more hours, yet he was already ready to go. 

 The american crept over to your bed, grinning excitedly to himself. You were his niece! He wanted to tell you so very badly, to wake you up and see you smile and hug you. The words danced in his brain as he contemplated waking you up. 7 isn't too early, right?

 He slowly put a hand on your shoulder. Ever so slightly, he shook it, causing you and the pillow in your arms to move back and forth. He shook harder. "(y/n), wake up." He whispered. As he spoke, you lifted your head and looked at him tiredly. "Alfred?" You asked. "Yeah!" he exclaimed, "I have good news!"

  You slapped your hand around the nightstand next to the bed until you felt you phone. Unlocking it, you squinted through the matted hair in front of your face. "You have good news at... seven in the morning?" You said. "Yeah! Arthur said he's coming home tomorrow!" The blonde asked. You sat up abruptly. "R-Really?"

  Alfred nodded and laughed. "Yes! And he also told me to tell you that the certificate thing should be in his mail by now." You gasped at his words, a smile spreading across your face. "You know what else we found out?" Alfred asked, his hands in exited fists at his sides. "What?"

 "If Arthur's your new dad, then i'm your new uncle!"

  You looked at him for a minute, then burst into giggles. Alfred laughed with you, throwing his arms around you to your surprise. "I have a niece!" He sighed, putting his chin on your head and rocking you back and forth in the hug. "Yeah..." You smiled into his shoulder.

  "Let's go make breakfast!" The American suddenly exclaimed, pulling away from the hug. He bent down and quickly picked you up bridal style. You squeaked. "Okay.." you said as he ran with you in his arms into the kitchen. Once there, he set you down and began taking things out of the cupboards. "Do you want pancakes? Lets make pancakes." He said as he got out the mix and all the supplies. "Y-yeah." You laughed as he opened the fridge. "This is so awesome!" He said, "I'm an uncle!"

  As you mixed the batter, your new uncle turned on the stove and took out a frying pan. "I've been waiting since two this morning to tell you!" He explained as the stove heated up. "Did you even sleep?" you asked. "Nope!" He smiled. You laughed to yourself as Alfred poured some batter in the pan, the sizzle making your mouth water. "So.." The American said as the pancakes cooked, "I have to go back to work today, so you'll be by yourself until five. Is that all good?"

  "Oh, yeah." You said as you got out some plates. "The only rule is no wild house parties. Other than that, do what you want." He smiled. You laughed. "Darn it! I guess all my plans are ruined." You joked. Alfred laughed as well as he dumped the pancakes on each of your plates. You ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the time together before he had to leave. After you finished eating you put both your plates in the sink and Alfred grabbed his keys. "Well," he said, "I should probably get going..."

  "Okay." You smiled, "Have fun." as he walked out the door, locking it behind him.

8 hours until he got back.

Hey guys! guess who's not grounded anymore! i worked extra hard to get this done today, so i hope you like it! i wont be able to write tomorrow because i have family stuff, but the new chapter should be up soon! you know i love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! asta la pasta~

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