Chapter 70

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    The man threw you and Emil down onto the hard floor of the van. Emil was unconscious beside you, his breathing even. You recovered from the fall and tried to kick your kidnapper, but he quickly hit the side of your head and made you go limp. "You're lucky Cat wants you alive." He grumbled as your vision went black.

  You woke up to find your eyes covered by a cloth. It seemed like hours had passed, and you felt a different material beneath you than the cold metal of the van. You ripped off the blindfold and looked wildly around to find yourself in an empty room. The lights were off and you could make out your school bags aside from a closed door across the room from your position on the floor. "Emil?" You called out against your better judgement. Silence met your ears. "Emil!" You screamed again into the quiet.

  "Oh, for the love of god, will you stop?" An angry voice said as shoes clacked outside the dark room. The door suddenly opened to reveal Catherine, an irritated look on her face. "He's been taken care of." She stated, "I don't know what you thought you'd gain by swapping clothes."

 "Why am I here?" You asked angrily. "Don't use that tone with me." The brunette spat, "And after your last little episode, I thought I should take matters into my own hands. That scrawny Brit obviously can't raise you if he thinks that's appropriate behavior."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" You snapped, standing up on shaky legs. "Oh, are you gonna try fighting me again?" Catherine smirked. Before she could say anything else you lunged at her with your hands in fists. She expected this, however, and kneed you in the stomach as you jumped. You crumpled to the ground and instantly tried to get up again. Catherine put a foot on your back and forced you back down. "Shut up and listen." She stated. You stopped struggling, and she sighed. 

    "Thank you. Now we can actually get something accomplished. Now that you like here, you will follow my rules. First off, no leaving your room. That shouldn't be hard for you. If I'm feeling nice maybe you'll get some food every so often. You will not try to fight me again, am I clear? That's not how a lady will act in my house." She rambled. You rolled out from under her foot, and she swiftly kicked you in the stomach before turning around and returning to the doorway. "Don't get any ideas." She spat before closing the door.


  Arthur opened the front door cheerily, a bag of groceries in his hand. "Sorry i'm late (y/n), I got more Mac 'n cheese!" He exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen. The lights were all off, which was weird. You normally turned on all the lights when you got home. "(y/n)?" He called up the stairs. The Brit jogged up the stairs and peeked into your room. It was empty, your bag not in it's usual place by the bed and your shoes not haphazardly on the floor. "(y/n)!" He called into the hallway. Nothing responded. Your dad took out his phone and found your contact. "This is (y/n), please leave a message after the beep!" Your voice said after a century of ringing. He tried calling multiple times, and every time your cheery message made him panic more.

   He finally gave up on any hope of you answering and flipped through his contacts. The Brit held the phone to his ear with a shaky hand. "Hello?" Alfred said on the other end. "A-Alfred!" Arthur choked out. "Arthur? What's wrong?" His brother asked, joy leaving his voice. "I-I came home and (y/n) isn't here and all the lights are off and I haven't heard from her since earlier today and she's not answering her phone and whatdoidoAlfredhelpme" Arthur practically screamed. "Dude, call the police." Alfred said seriously, "Do you want me to come over?"

"Yes." Arthur sniffled.


  You glared at the doorway as Catherine's footsteps receded. Never leave the room your ass, you thought as you put your ear to the door. It was silent beyond. Slowly, you tried to move the doorknob. It obliged. The door opened silently and you poked your head out. The carpeted hallway was empty, ad you looked around to find a door the opposite direction of where the footsteps went. Silently you shut the door behind you and crept to the door down the hall. 

  You opened the door to find a form lying in the middle of the dark room, similar to where you had found yourself. When the light from the hallway shined onto what lay inside, you had to cover your mouth to hold in a gasp. Emil was lying there, bruises already formed on his pale face. You closed the door behind you and knelt at his side. "Em. Em." You whispered, shaking him. His eyes fluttered open and squinted in pain. "(y-y/n)?" He muttered, looking at where your voice came from. "Shh, she might hear us," You whispered, "Did they hurt you?"

  "Y-yes, that guy did. Did they hurt you?" Emil stammered quietly. "Who cares? We have to get out of here." You said, gently touching his face. The door burst open behind you and a voice dripping with mock sadness said, "Oh, how touching."

  You turned your head to see Catherine there, the man who brought you here behind her. "Ralph, would you kindly get the bag from her room?" She said to the male. He nodded and walked down the hallway as she strutted into the room and flicked on the light. "And just why are you out of your room? Did you not understand when I asked you not to?" She questioned, standing over you. You glared at her and turned around to face her completely as Ralph returned with your school bag in hand. "Thank you, hun." She said sweetly, taking the bag from him, "Now, let's see what's in here. Oh, here's your phone! And eight missed calls from "Dad". You actually call him that?"

  Your breath hitched at her words. "Why don't we give him a call?" Catherine said, "I know just what you should say."


   "Here's a photo." Arthur said, showing the officer the selfie of you and Emil from the other day. Just as the officer leaned in to squint at it the device vibrated in Arthur's hand. "I-It's her!" Arthur exclaimed, quickly pushing the answer button and putting it on speaker. "(y/n)?? Where are you!?" He said into the phone as he set it on the table between him and the officer.

 "H-H-Hi, dad. Oh fuck. fuck. fuck. no, it's Arthur. I'm n-not allowed to call you that. Sorry." You stammered in a cracked voice. "What are you talking about?" Arthur exclaimed.

"I'm... I'm calling to say, what is that? What are you saying? Oh. I'm calling to say goodbye."

I know I promised no closure until tomorrow but you all know i feel too bad about that so here. You know I love you guys, and don't forget to comment and vote! *evil laugh* Asta la Pasta~

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