Chapter 63

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   Arthur sighed happily as he drove home, the radio playing some cheesy 80's song. He was eager to get home and see how you had been the whole day. When he pulled into his unofficial official parking spot in front of the apartment he almost forgot to lock his car in his rush.

"(y/n)?" He called as he walked through the front door. The house was silent. The Brit crept up the stairs and peeked quietly into your room. You were curled up and sound asleep on your bed, your phone by your side and an empty bowl on the nightstand. Arthur tiptoed across the bedroom and peered into the bowl. a few bits of chicken and some carrots sat in a small amount of broth, making the Brit want to cheer in excitement. Instead he settled for ruffling your hair and picking up the bowl to take it to the kitchen.

Arthur: Guess what?

Alfred: Almighty Lord Voldemort has returned?

Arthur: No (I wish). I peeked in (y/n)'s room when I got home and she was asleep and an empty bowl was on the nightstand...




Your eyes fluttered open to your phone next to your face. With a sigh you picked it up and unlocked it. Emil had snapped thirty minutes ago, asking if you had fallen asleep. You snapped him back with a selfie of your tired eyes and messy hair, typing the words "Yeah, i'm alive now. Hi"

"Hi" he sent back a minute later, his happy smile behind it. You giggled at the photo before it disappeared. "I'm gonna see if my dads home brb" a picture of your door said. You stood up slowly and wandered out your doorway, looking over the railing at the top of the stairs to the living room below. "(y/n)!" Arthur beamed from the couch, "Good morning!"

"Hi..." You said sleepily, "How was work...?"

"It was nice. Alfred was the one that made me ask you about the 'take your kid to work day thing'. He like the video you sent." Arthur rambled happily. "Oh, nice." You smiled. "Hey, did you eat soup today?" He asked suddenly. You blinked and looked upward in thought. "I think so... Yeah." You replied. "Good. Oh, I was gonna ask, do you know when they're opening school again?" The Brit continued. You gazed down at him from the stair landing in slight sadness. "Nah. I think they have to find a few new teachers." You replied. His eyes widened and he quickly said, "Oh, okay. Uh, wanna watch a movie?"

You nodded slowly and went into your room to grab a blanket. Arthur had turned on Netflix when you ambled down the stairs wrapped tightly in the blanket. "Where'd that blanket come from?" Your dad asked, narrowing his eyes at the fluffy (pick a color) blanket. "It was my moms, but I stole it so often it might as well be mine." You replied as you sat on the couch beside him. "Makes sense. Cheesy Christmas movie despite it being October?" Arthur said with a grin. "Always." You said from within the rather large blanket.


"What are you doing?" Arthur asked as you took a picture of the screen. "Snapchatting Emil about the movie." You said, typing something before setting your phone on your lap. "What is snapchatting?" He asked with his eyes still glued to the screen. "It's this thing where you can send pictures with captions to your friends. The picture goes away after ten seconds forever." You explained. "Why does it go away after ten seconds?" The Brit asked. "I dunno, that's just how it works. You can send ugly selfies and it's hard to screenshot them in time, so..." You answered. Your dad laughed and said, "So you just send ugly selfies to each other?"

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