Chapter 55

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  Edit: as of 2018, this chapter has aged terribly. I'm considering cutting out this whole thing, honestly. read it while you can.

 Emil was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to your apartment, his hands jammed in his jacket pockets. It was freezing outside, and you had on a thick sweater and mittens to keep warm. "Hi." He smiled. You grinned and extended you hand to him once you reached where he stood. He looked at for a second and gingerly put his mittened hand in yours. You didn't think it was the cold making his ears red. "You ready?" You asked, and he nodded as you set off for school hand in hand.


Arthur: I looked out the window to make sure (y/n) got to where she meets Emil and found them holding hands. They're totally dating.

Alfred: finALLY

Matthew: Aw!


  "Have fun at band." You grinned, releasing Emil's hand to wave as you walked away. He waved with a grin before opening the door to the band room and disappearing from view. He and Raivis had joined the band with Erland first period, leaving you and Erika to fend for yourselves in science class in their absence. You sighed happily as you did a little skip on your way to the science room. 

  "Hey, we couldn't find you guys at the dance again. Did you bail?" Erika asked as you plopped down beside her. "Yeah, the music sucked. But guess what!" You said gleefully. Your best friend narrowed her eyes and smirked, "What? You get to third base?"

  "Oh my god, Erika. No." You said, your face turning red, "Em totally asked me out!"

  Erika gasped and covered her mouth. "Erland asked me out too! Please tell me you said yes." She exclaimed. "Obviously! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you!" You grinned, giving her a hug. She hugged you back and laughed as the bell rang for class to start. "Okay, class. Quiet down." The teacher sighed, "I know it's Monday and you all want to talk about your hot homecoming dates, but we have to get through this so we have time to watch a video."

  You pulled away from the hug and grinned at the front of the room as the teacher began to lecture, Erika beaming just as much.


  "Proteins are made of enzymes, which help speed up chemical reactions that break down food and such. Lactose intolerant people have issues digesting lactose because they have a lack of the enzymes that are designed to break down-" The teacher rambled. The intercom beeping loudly cut him off, and all the students perked up at the sound. "Attention: The school is going into lock down. This is not a drill. I repeat: This is NOT a drill." The principle said over the intercom with a shaky voice. Your eyes widened and you turned to Erika before you both got up and sat under the tables under the windows as the science teacher directed. Erika was smushed against you by the other students, and you could feel her shaking. You silently put an arm around her protectively as the teacher made sure nobody could be seen.

  Footsteps could be heard in the hallway. Erika scooted closer to you and hugged you. The footsteps grew louder. You were sitting in front of the majority of the students and the exposure scared you. 

  You saw the doorknob jiggle.

The teacher had forgotten to lock the door. 

A man in jeans and a plain red T-shirt opened it and calmly walked in. He glanced around the room, not noticing the mob of students across the room. A silence hung in the air like a suffocating blanket as everyone was too scared to dare breathe. The man turned from side to side to get a better view of the room, and when he turned everyone could see the large rifle he held at his side. Suddenly the intruder strode around the room until the students hidden were suddenly in plain view. Your eyes unintentionally made eye contact with him.

  He lifted the rifle and cocked it with a bored expression.

  A girl near you let out a scream that shattered the silence like glass.

   You had to leave. Now. Before you could think, you yanked Erika out from under the table and ran to the back door of the classroom. Throwing it open, you dragged Erika behind you as a shot rang from the classroom. Erika stumbled behind you as student's screams filled the air and you dared a glance behind you as you cleared the parking lot behind the school and ran to the field where freedom lay. The intruder was in the doorway staring at you and Erika. He held up his rifle and aimed as you picked up speed with your friend right behind.

  Two shots fired.

You felt Erika's grip on your hand loosen.

  She fell face first to the ground as you whipped around, fighting the scream that threatened to escape your lips. Erika was motionless as blood seeped through her pastel pink shirt. You fell to you knees as more blood dripped into her blonde hair from the back of her head. "E...Erika..." You whispered, gently picking up her hand. Your head whipped to the open classroom doorway. There was blood on the floor of the science room, but the intruder was no longer watching you with that empty gaze and seemed to have left the room. Erika remained motionless, her torso not moving. She wasn't breathing. More blood seeped from her scalp and onto the grass as her shirt became more and more red.

  You finally let yourself scream, the sound piercing the silence that had returned when your best friend was reduced to a heap on the once bright green grass.

  The world went dull.

  I don't know how sorry I am for doing this. Maybe you'll get another chapter tonight. Maybe not. I'm feeling like leaving you this cliffhanger until tomorrow, but maybe you can change my mind. Comment and vote, my dear readers. I love you all. Asta la Pasta~

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