Chapter 109

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    Arthur was still on the couch in his pajamas when you returned, your cheeks red from the cold wind that had picked up outside and certainly not because Emil had nearly dragged you to the alley after lunch. Your dad looked up as your closed the door behind you and narrowed his eyes. "What's on your head?" He asked. You reached up and gently touched the ears. "Cat ears. Em just kind of put them on me and said I can never take them off ever." You said. "Cute." Arthur smiled, "Did you have fun? What did you eat?"

  'Yes. Lunchables." You grinned. Arthur stopped smiling and frowned. "He made you get all dressed up for Lunchables!?" He exclaimed. "Yeah." You giggled, unintentionally making the cat ears wiggle on your head as you wandered toward the stairs. "There's a Harry Potter marathon on the Hallmark channel in a few minutes, want to watch it with me?" The blonde asked as you approached your room. "I didn't know they made movies." You said, giving him a curious look. "Really? Yeah, the books are better, but they're still fun." Arthur replied.

  "I've never read the books." You called from your room. It was silent downstairs.


Arthur: (y/n)'s neVER READ HARRY POTTER

Alfred: OH MY GOD

Matthew: Seriously??

Matthew: How the hell is that possible

Alfred: ^^^!!!!

Arthur: I don't know

Arthur: But this is going to be SO FUN

Alfred: What

Matthew: What

Arthur: I'm going to go to my storage unit and get my box set and aLL my old stuff from when I was her age right now

Matthew: Holy shit you're right this will be awesome

Alfred: Has she seen Star Wars? I CALL SHOWING HER THAT


Alfred: DAMMIT


  You walked out of your room a few minutes later, having changed into sweatpants and an old shirt with the cat ears still on your head, to find Arthur putting on his shoes by the door. "Do you know where my keys are?" He asked once you appeared in front of him. You went and retrieved them from the kitchen table, and by the time you got back he had finished putting on his shoes and was standing there expectantly. "Where are you going?" You questioned. "I have an errand." He replied as he opened the front door, "I'll be back soon."

  You narrowed your eyes as the front door shut in front of you. He had left the house still in his pajamas.

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now