Chapter 37

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 "It's your fault, you know." Catherine said slowly, her cheery expression melting into rage. Her hand that held a fist full of your hair jerked upwards and you gave a yelp. "Does that hurt, now?" She said, pulling sideways. Your head followed her movement. "They were fighting over you. Your father left because of you. He died because of YOU." Catherine spat. "Shut the fuck up, Catherine." You hissed. She slapped you. Hard. You screamed, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.

 A face appeared in the window of the door. Matthew was looking in, and when he saw what was happening the doorknob jiggled. The chair propped in front of the door prevented the doorknob from turning. The doorknob jiggled harder. "Don't worry, hun." The brunette said, "They can't get in."

  "Is there a point to you being here?" You said, ignoring the pain from your hair being pulled. "You took away her happiness, (y/n). You're the reason she drank. You're the reason he died." Catherine said. "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WHORE." You screeched, reaching up and grabbing the arm that held your hair. Your nails dug into her pale skin. Catherine gasped and released your hair.

  The door made a noise. Matthew and Alfred had began throwing themselves at the thick door. "You, you lying bitch..." You spat. She glared and ripped out the IV in your other arm. A small amount of blood seeped out of the dot where the needle once was. You looked to your now free arm and slapped Catherine. The brunette's eyes were filled with rage, and she grabbed your face in her hand again. Her nails dug back into your face again, but you ignored it. "(y/n)! Hold on!" Alfred yelled from the hallway, "We're calling the police if that bitch doesn't get her ass out here!"

  You smirked at Catherine. She yanked your hair as hard as she could, making you whimper in pain.

 "Your mother was my best friend. You took the love of her life. Do you think you deserve to be happy? That you deserve to go about your life while she's rotting in jail?" Catherine said quietly, " You don't deserve to be alive, (y/n). Did she never tell you? You were a fucking accident. She didn't even want you. Why should anyone want you?"


  Arthur hummed cheerily to himself as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. "What the-?" He said as he got out of his car. Two police cars were pulled up to the front of the hospital, their lights flashing. Arthur wandered past them inside and into the now familiar elevator. When he reached the floor you were staying on, he gasped.

 Police officers were standing in front of your door, pounding their fists on the wood surface. "Ma'am, we're giving you twenty seconds to come peacefully." They stated. Arthur stepped out of the elevator and looked around for his brothers. "Arthur!" Alfred yelled, running towards him with Matthew close behind. "What the fuck is happening!?" Arthur screamed. "T-This lady came into (y/n)'s room and (y/n) seemed to know her so when she asked us to step out so she could talk to (y/n) we did and then she barricaded the door and we looked in the window and he was hurting (y/n) and shouting at her..." Alfred wailed. Arthur put a hand over his mouth and staggered back. 

 The door to your room opened. Alfred and Matt whipped around to find the woman strutting out, her hands in the air. "That's her." Matthew growled. Arthur pushed past his brothers and ran up to her as the police began to handcuff her.

 "Who the fuck are you?" Arthur hissed at the brunette in front of him. "Catherine, (y/n)'s legal guardian. I could ask the same of you." She smirked. "I'm (y/n)'s dad. I don't know what you did to her, but if I see your face near her again, you're dead." Arthur spat. "Ah. I heard some scrawny Brit took her in." Catherine retorted. "Anything you say can and will be held against you, ma'm. I suggest you watch your mouth." The officer handcuffing her stated. "Guess that's my cue. Nice meetin' ya." The brunette laughed as she was led away. Arthur pushed past the remaining officers into your room.

  You were lying on your side, the blankets still draped over you. Small cuts lined your face and your arm that previously had an IV was bleeding. "Oh my god, (y/n)..." Arthur said quietly, racing to your bed and taking a seat. You didn't move to look at him. "(y/n), dad's here, it's okay." He said, putting a gentle hand on your arm. You yelped and tried to hide under the blankets. "(y/n), (y/n), it's okay. No one's going to hurt you anymore." Arthur said. You finally looked toward him. Your eyes were wide and your face was pale. "What did she do to you, (y/n)?" Arthur asked, putting a hand on your cheek to examine the cuts. You said nothing.

 Alfred and Matthew sprinted in. "They kept us a bit to question us." Matthew explained as Alfred ran to where you lay. The American scooped you and your blanket mountain up and held you close. "Holy fuck, she's shaking like a leaf." Alfred said as he sat on the bed with you in his arms. Matthew walked up next to him and gasped. "W-We saw her pull her hair too." Matt said sadly. Arthur gasped and reached his arms out to Alfred. "Give me my daughter." He commanded. Al nodded and handed you to the Brit, who sat on the bed with you on his lap. You were silent.

  Arthur hugged you to him and rocked back and forth. "(y/n), what did she say to you?" He asked quietly. You blinked and looked at the wall, still shaking. "She... She took out the IV." you muttered quietly. Arthur looked at your bleeding arm. "I'll get a nurse." Alfred said, jumping up and running out of the room. "I ate Jello today." You continued to mutter. "That's nice." Arthur smiled weakly, still rocking back and forth. "She said the Jello was gross but she ate it anyway." Matthew said quietly.

 "What else did she do, (y/n)?" Arthur asked. You looked back to him and squinted. "Put me down." You said. Arthur gently set you down on the bed and sat in his chair by your head. "Tell me more, please." The Brit said. You looked to him, then to Matthew, then resumed staring at the ceiling. 

 "She said my father is dead. She said it's my fault."

The Rain's Sentinel (Hetalia x reader) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now