Chapter 86

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  Emil flopped on the couch as you wandered into the kitchen. "Gotta keep myself alive one sec." You called to him as you opened the medicine cupboard. "Cool, cool. I'm turning on the TV." He called back. You took out the assorted prescription pill bottles and began to open them and dump a few into your hand, stopping suddenly when nothing came out of one of them. "Hm?" You hummed as you examined the bottle. The anemia medication had run out. "Fucking butt socketS" You exclaimed angrily, grabbing your phone off the counter. "Is everything okay?" Emil asked, concern lacing his voice. "I'm out of anemia shit." You called, "I'm gonna see if I can get more."

You: So if I have to refill a prescription can I just go myself or

Arthur: Depends, what do you need to refill?

You: The anemia stuff.

Arthur: That one's highly addictive, so they make me show my ID and sign things. I'd have to be there. Are you almost out?

You: Completely out lmao

Arthur: Oh no

Arthur: I think you'll be okay for a few days, but PLEASE eat iron rich foods. We don't want you back in the hospital.

You: Anything to avoid Jello m8

Arthur: Be safe.

    "Those damn communists, making it so I can't refill my prescription by myself." You huffed after you took the rest of your medication and stormed into the living room. "You can't get more?" Emil asked as you draped over the back of the couch and fell onto the cushions. "No.  Apparently it's one of the drugs you can sell in dark alleys so dad has to get them with his fancy driver's licence." You stated, making the male laugh. "What's gonna happen if you don't take them?"

"Who fucking knows?"


Alfred: (y/n)'s breakfast is really good man

Arthur: Just a warning, if you decide to visit tomorrow she may be a little odd.

Alfred: Why? Is she okay?

Arthur: She ran out of anemia meds and it's under my insurance so I have to go show my driver's licence to get more. You know how she ate ketchup that one time? I'm assuming she'll be like that.

Alfred: What does anemia make her be like, besides the ketchup?

Arthur: Anemia means she doesn't have enough red blood cells. She's going to be really, really tired and a bit loopy.

Alfred: I'll make sure she's okay when I visit.

Arthur: Thanks 

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