Chapter 57

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  Alfred grinned as he flopped onto his hotel bed. "Ugh, today went on forever." He said with a yawn. "Yeah." Matthew said, sitting on the other bed in the hotel room, "I'm so tired. Want to watch the news?"

    The American nodded and grabbed the remote. Matthew wandered into the small kitchen out of view of the TV as his brother flipped through the channels and fished some food they brought out of a cupboard. He was opening a bag of chips when Alfred screamed. "MATT GET IN HERE." Alfred exclaimed, and Matt walked into the room with an annoyed expression. "What?" He asked. Alfred covered his mouth with his hand and pointed to the TV. The Canadian looked toward the screen and gasped.

    Images of your school flashed on the screen as the reporter explained the events of yesterday. "Currently there are 11 casualties and many other injuries. The intruder was caught outside the school grounds, wielding a large rifle. He didn't fight back as he was..." The female reporter stated. "Oh god, isn't that (y/n)'s school?" Matthew said quietly."I'm calling Arthur right now." Alfred said, tapping his phone to put it on speaker as it rang.  

  "Hello?" Arthur asked. "Arthur, we saw the news. Where's (y/n)?" Alfred said in a shaky voice. "She's fine, don't worry. Right now she's upstairs. She didn't get hurt." Arthur replied carefully. "Did any of her friends..." Matthew trailed off, sitting beside Alfred in front of the phone. "Yes. I found her sitting next to her friend Erika, who, uh..." Arthur explained. The brothers gasped and Alfred choked back a sob as he asked, "Any others? What about Emil?"

  "Her boyfriend is fine." Arthur said, "He said something to her about Raivis and Erland when they found each other before bursting into tears. I think those are her other friends, but i'm not asking her anything for now." 

  "Oh my God, (y/n)..." Matthew said quietly. "She hasn't left her room since yesterday. I don't really know what to do, honestly. She's refusing food and is crying into her pillow or sleeping most of the time..." Arthur said sadly. "Has she talked to Emil since?" The Canadian asked. "Not as far as I know, but I don't think she's ready to see anyone for a while." Arthur answered. "Well that's too fucking bad, since the day we get back I'm coming to see her." Alfred stated. "Alfred..." The Brit said warningly. "I don't care. I want to see my niece." Alfred insisted, "We'll be back tomorrow afternoon."

  "Don't expect much from her besides crying." Arthur sighed before hanging up. "Poor kid..." Matthew said quietly, running a hand through his hair, "I can't blame her for not leaving her room. I wouldn't want to either."


  Arthur walked into your room with a glass of water and some medicine. "(y/n), you need to take your medicine." He said gently as he sat by your bed. You rolled over and looked at him with a tear stained face and nodded. Taking the medicine, you downed all the pills at once and chugged the water before rolling over and burying your face into your pillow. Your dad draped your blanket over your shoulders and walked out with a sad sigh. 

  Once he put the glass in the dishwasher, he picked up his phone from the counter and was surprised to see a text from Tino on his lockscreen.

  Tino: Hey, would you be okay with Emil visiting (y/n)? He's not doing so good, and I think part of it is missing her...

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