Chapter 17

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  "Shut up! I didn't kill her!" Antonio protested. Francis walked over to where you lay, crouching down to look at you. He put a hand gently on your forehead then stood up in alarm. "She's burning up," Francis said, "I'm calling Alfred."

  Antonio and Gilbert nodded,  and Gilbert gently picked your still unconscious form bridal style while Toni moved some pillows on the couch. After setting you gently on the couch,  the two went over to hear Francis's side of the conversation.

".. so she just kind of fell on the floor, and I checked and she has a fever."

"uh huh"

"No, we're okay with staying here."

"uh huh"

"I see. Don't worry, we can do that."

"okay. See you tonight then."

Francis put the phone down, looking at Gilbert and Antonio. "he says this 'work emergency' was a lot worse than he thought, and he couldn't leave if his life and and on it. So we have to make sure she doesn't die until he gets back, which won't be until later tonight.  He also said specifically to not let her just go hide by herself, because he knows she's going to try that and we have to make sure she's actually getting better." He sighed.

  Toni cheered "This will be fun!" he said, smiling. Gilbert smirked,  "Ja." as they walked back into the living room, Gilbert running over to take the seat next to unconscious you."I wanted to sit by (y/n)!" Toni pouted. "Too bad!" the silver hair said, sticking  out his tongue. "If she has a fever, she should stay awake until we get some medicine into her so she doesn't get worse." Francis said, "you two keep her awake while I try to find some." he continued, walking out of the room.

  Gilbert reached over and poked your cheek. "Uh, vake up." he said,  poking you again. You opened one (e/c) eye irritably. Toni was sitting on the floor next to your head, and he smiled once he saw you were awake. "Good morning!" He said cheerily. You opened the other eye and stared at him blankly. Damn, your head hurt. And how did you get onto the couch? Wait, what was Antonio doing here?

     "Where's Alfred?" you mumbled weakly , rubbing one eye. A voice out of your field of vision spoke up. "He had a vork emergency, so we're hanging out vhith you today. How are jou feeling?" Gilbert said. You turned your head to look at him. "ehh." you said,  and he smirked. "Vhell, stay awake so you can take some medicine once Francis finds it. SpongeBob is on."  You put a hand on your head, hissing at the pain. Toni looked back at you worriedly, and Gilbert put a hand on your forehead. "Francis vhas right, she does have a fever..." He mumbled, and you sighed. "Fabulous." You muttered. At least you would have medicine, unlike when you got sick at your moms. You hoped you could just crawl under your bed and be left alone so you didn't burden anyone this time.

    Francis came in a few minutes later holding some pill bottles and a glass of water. You sat up slowly and looked at him as he walked around the couch to you, sitting on the other side of you. "Here." He said, handing you the water and medicine. You read the doses on each bottle and dumped out a considerable amount of assorted pills into your hand. Dumping all of them in your mouth, you quickly chugged the water and set it down, wiping your mouth with your wrist. Francis took the glass from you and walked into the kitchen. You resumed watching the T.V. with Gilbert, when Antonio suddenly moved and sat next to you. 

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