Chapter 38

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Matthew took your hand in both of his. "Oh my god..." Arthur whispered. You snapped out of your shock and let the words spill out. "She... She said I don't deserve to be alive. That I shouldn't exist. Apparently I wasn't "planned" per say, and that i'm to blame for why my mom is an alcoholic..."  You muttered as you stared into space, "I mean, I always knew my mom hated me, but I didn't know it was my fault she did."

 "Back." Alfred said as he wandered into the room behind a nurse. "Isn't this the room that the police removed that lady from?" The nurse asked as she stuck a new needle in your arm. "Yeah." Alfred answered, "the lady is the one that ripped out the IV."

 "That's gotta hurt." The nurse said as she changed the IV bag. You were silent until she left. "Uh, Al, a word?" Matthew said, ushering the American out into the hall. When they came back a few minutes later, Alfred walked up to you and scooped you up once again, hugging you gently. "No touch." You muttered. "Too fucking bad, kiddo." Alfred stated, putting his chin on your head. "That hurts." You mumbled. "Shit. Sorry." He replied quickly, sitting on your bed with you on his lap. 

 "Anything else you want to tell us, (y/n)?" Matthew asked gently. You looked at him with a blank face. "My parent's were fighting about me before my father died. It's my fault." You said quietly. Alfred gasped. "Bullshit." He stated, "Absolute bullshit. It's not your fault."

  "she said my mom drinks because of me. I took her happiness away. I don't deserve to be alive." You whispered. Arthur inhaled deeply, his hands clenched into fists in his lap. Matthew gasped and put a hand over his mouth. "Fuck that. Fuck every single word you just fucking said." Alfred said, his voice raising in anger. Arthur stood up abruptly, his face red in anger. "LIES. FUCKING LIES." He screamed. You yelped and pulled a blanket up over your face. "Arthur, calm down. You're scaring her." Matthew said gently. The Brit took a deep breath, his fists still tight at his sides. "Don't say such things, (y/n)." He said, his voice shaking with anger, "None of that is true."

  "She said I am unwanted."

   Arthur lost it. "SHE IS A FUCKING WHOREMOUTH." He screeched, "DO NOT LISTEN TO HER."

  You whimpered and put your head under the blankets again. "Hey..." Alfred said gently, holding you closer to him. "YOU ARE SO MOTHERFUCKING WANTED (y/n). SO FUCKING VALID AND IMPORTANT. IT WASN'T A FUCKING ACCIDENT THAT I FOUND YOU AT THAT FUCKING FILTHY-ASS BUS STOP. IT WASN'T A FUCKING ACCIDENT THAT YOUR MOM HAD TO FUCKING BEAT YOUR FACE IN WITH A GODDAMN FRYING PAN SO I GOT TO KEEP YOU. YOU ARE MY FUCKING DAUGHTER AND I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO GODDAMN MUCH." Arthur ranted, pacing around the room. You sniffled from within the blanket realm. "Arthur, please keep your voice down." Matthew said quietly. "Come here." Arthur said, marching over and taking you from Alfred. The American moved so Arthur could sit with you in his arms. You were sniffling still, and Arthur rocked back and forth gently. "Caitlin or whatever the fuck her name is isn't coming back." He stated, "I won't let her."

  "Catherine is a bitch." You said quietly under the blankets. "Damn right she is." Arthur replied.


 You woke up the next morning to the sun shining in your eyes. Matthew was sleeping peacefully on a cot a nurse had brought him. Yesterday came in like a wrecking ball to your brain, making you sit up and gasp quietly. You felt the small cuts from Catherine's nails on your face and sighed before picking up your phone. Your earbuds were sitting on the table by the bed, and you grabbed them and plugged them in as you scrolled through your songs. Once you found your favorite playlist you put in your earbuds and layed back down with closed eyes.


  Matthew sat up tiredly, looking around the plain hospital room. You were sound asleep despite it being pretty late in the morning. Your earbuds were in your ears and Matt could see your phone resting screen up beside you. He checked his own phone and found about ten hundred thousand texts from Arthur. The Canadian sighed and opened them up.

Arthur: How's (y/n)?

Arthur: Hello?

Arthur: try to get more out of her today if you can. 

Arthur: Even if it's just facts about her favorite TV shows

Arthur: Are you even awake?

Arthur: wake up

Arthur: wake up

Arthur: call me when you get this.

  Matthew stepped out into the hall and called Arthur. It didn't take long for him to pick up. "Hello?" the Brit asked. "Hey Arthur. What did you need?" Matthew said, trying to mask the annoyance in his voice. "I just wanted to ask you more about yesterday..." Arthur said, "Besides what (y/n) told us I don't really know much."

  "Oh, okay. Well, she was fine all that morning, and the nurse brought her the jello she told you about and (y/n) said it tasted nasty but she ate the entire thing in about three seconds. We watched this marathon of this anime called Attack on Titan and she laughed when people would die really gory deaths and then after the marathon was over Alfred was yelling at the TV because he didn't like how it ended and then that lady showed up. She seemed really sweet and but we should've known better because (y/n) was giving her a death glare as we left. Then a few minutes later we heard (y/n) scream at the lady to shut the fuck up and called her a whore so we looked in the window and the lady was pulling (y/n)'s hair and towering over her so we tried to open the door but the stupid lady had barricaded it so we called the police." Matthew rambled. "(y/n) said that!?" Arthur asked in shock. "Yeah man. It was terrifying. Remind me to never piss her off." Matt smirked. "noted. I have to go back to work now, the boss is coming. Please try to get her to talk if you can." Arthur said quickly. "Alright,i'll try. bye." Matt said before hanging up.

  When he returned to the room, you were awake and looking at your phone. "Good morning." Matt said gently. You looked up and rubbed an eye. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked. You nodded.  "Wanna talk about yesterday?" your uncle questioned. You shook your head. "Okay. That's fine. Let's watch TV." He suggested. "Okay." You replied quietly. He smiled as he grabbed the remote and flipped to channel 55. "Do you like Adventure Time?" Matt asked once he found Cartoon Network. "Yes." You said.

"Adventure time!

C'mon grab your friends,

we'll go to very

distant lands...."

Hey guys! I cant believe how much i wrote today! sorry if the last few chapters have been crummy quality, i just felt bad about leaving such a sad cliffhanger so i had to bring some closure. You know i love you guys, and dont forget to comment and vote! Asta la Pasta~

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